anyone in oxford?

oxfordian Posts: 196

is anyone here from oxford, i want to join a cycling group - any suggestions?.

I am 23, reasonably fit and just getting into road cycling. If you see a young chap on a pompino with brown handlebars its me. I can also be seen sporting a horrific 'skeleton' jersey (seemed a good idea at the time).

I manage a ride most nights (only 1 -1.5 hours) and fit a spinning class in there as well. I do a route round otmoor, which is about 45km at roughly 31kmph average.



  • jrg1980
    jrg1980 Posts: 1
    Hi there OXFORDIAN,

    I'm based in Oxford, just off the Cowley Road. I'm not part of a club either but am also looking to join.

    Been road cycling for about 2 years but think joining a club would really help improve my cycling. I usually head out towards Brill on the weekends (some nice climbs) and do a loop thorugh Abingdon a couple of times during the week.

    A couple of guys I work with are part of the tri club. Can't remember what nights they cycle but they sound like a good bunch.
  • sylvanus
    sylvanus Posts: 1,125
    What is the road club like? It seems amazingly inactive for such a large city. Almost none of its members seem to be active racers or even sportive riders.

    Is it because they're all "testers" and so are too busy drinking tea out of chipped mugs and breeding ferrets to care about cycling in its normal forms?
  • eh
    eh Posts: 4,854
    Oxford City is strongly active in the winter but their members tend to do their own thing in the summer mainly TTing I guess. There are other Oxford clubs like the University (OUCC) who are active mainly in term times, and also there is also Mid Oxon CRT and Oxonians who I know far less about, but both organise TTs and cyclocross around the Oxford/Oxfordshire area. All have websites if you google for them.
  • Claypole
    Claypole Posts: 20
    Not quite Oxford...

    I've just moved to the area (Chipping Norton) and am also looking to hook up with a ride/club. I'm sure there are rides that go from Chipping Norton or nearby...

    There's load of cyclists on the roads around here...