Wrecked after ride

AcousticDave Posts: 41
Hi just returned to riding after a few years out, i am over weight and had a heart attack 14 years ago and am on atenanol. i have been increasing my distance to ride comfortably for about 25 miles, i increased this to 35 yesterday and was totally wrecked for 24hrs when i got back. Is this normal when upping your distance or is the medication having an effect do you think.
I do want to ride the Great North Ride in 3 weeks 50 Miles but this is looking unlikley now.
What do you good folk think.


  • binlinus
    binlinus Posts: 305

    Well try 30 miles next weekend and take it easy. Then maybe try 40 the weekend after but go very easy. Are you making sure you drink and eat enough? Don't try to go on a diet while riding the bike. You also need a good healthy meal the eveing before. Maybe you went to fast? It was also a very hot day yesterday.

    It sounds like you need to lose weight and if the 50 miler is hilly then you'll be in trouble.

    Are you also riding in the week?

  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,579
    Was it as hot in Newcastle yesterday as it was down here in the south? It was 30 degrees in London and the heat can have an adverse effect on your performance.
  • I’m no medical expert, but might it be worth getting a hart rate monitor, to ensure you don’t over exert your self.
    In my experience mileage does not necessarily influence how tired I become, where as pace, heat and assent most defiantly will. I think a hart rate monitor can be used to ensure your effort stays within comfortable limits.

    In any event, if there is any doubt, why don’t you go to your GP for advice.
  • jonathan r wrote:
    I’m no medical expert, but might it be worth getting a hart rate monitor, to ensure you don’t over exert your self.
    In my experience mileage does not necessarily influence how tired I become, where as pace, heat and assent most defiantly will. I think a hart rate monitor can be used to ensure your effort stays within comfortable limits.

    In any event, if there is any doubt, why don’t you go to your GP for advice.

    I would urge you to do this also, given your medical history. The suggestion of getting a HRM is also good advice especially if your GP recommends that you do not over exert yourself.
  • martin56
    martin56 Posts: 213
    Dave you might need to see a Doctor you might have an underlying problem!! :idea:
    Still going at fifty!But for how mutch longer
  • binlinus
    binlinus Posts: 305
    Acoustic Dave

    By all means go to the doc if you are worried. However, you really don't need a heart rate monitor yet.

    A heartrate monitor will be no good without proper testing. If I was to suggst that you do the tests to calibrate a heart rate monitor -- a max hr test or a time trail -- I would hope that our moderator Dr_Death would have cross words with me. But if you use a heart rate monitor you need to calibrate it first for it to be any good.

    Most of your riding should be at a pace that allows you to hold a converstion with someone. You shouldn't be gasping for breath, just feeling a bit of effort. You should be exercsing moderately on a regular basis and getting enough sleep. Also you need to eat well. I presume you've been advised on diet after your heart attack.

    But there's no reason you can't ride 50 miles if you take it easy and eat and drink enough on the ride. If you do a long ride on the weekend and two 1 hour rides during the week you should be ok. But we'll leave out the VO2 Max intervals until next year :wink:

    As far as the hot weather goes, if you are a big fella then you won't cope with the heat as well as a skinny fella like me due to the fact that you have less skin area in relation to your body mass and so can't cool yourself as easily as a thinner person.

    On Sunday I was up at 5.00 and on the road at 7.00 to rack up 90k at an easy pace while the day was still nice and cool.


  • ut_och_cykla
    ut_och_cykla Posts: 1,594
    Common sense says that iIf your medication is stable and long term it is unlikely to be a problem as long as you stay within your 'comfort zone' but if you are concerned see your GP ASAP!

    By itself an increase from 25 to 35 miles is unlikely to leave you wasted for a day if you've built up to 25 over several weeks /months.

    I would guess (as others have suggested) that you either grossly over did things or missed out on the hydration/food front. As Binlinus says heat is a big problem especially for people who are even a bit overweight (and don't i know it!) but you can learn to cope with this too. get cool clothing, drink plenty of liquids (perhaps not just water on a long ride), use water on body to cool you, ride early/late/shady routes to miss heat of day etc

    50 miles is still posible but with care, forethoought and perhaps after a check with your GP

    BEst of luck
  • Thanks for replies

    I have built up to 25 miles over 6 weeks,

    2 hours before the ride i had a huge bowl of porridge, raisens and banna. during the ride i drank about a 700ml bottle made up of diralite and had 2 chew bars so i think i was fueled up properly. It was hot but i left at 9.00am and was out for 2.5 hours. Terrain was not to hilly. When i got back i had litre of skimmed milk. i just felt totaly wrecked for the whole day but fine the next day.

    I do use a heart rate monitor and avg 115bpm which i was well chuffed with.
  • ut_och_cykla
    ut_och_cykla Posts: 1,594
    A bit more liquid might have been a good idea - you wern't cycling with a little bit of a hangover or curry belly were you?? :wink:
    Try something similar again soon; if its a problem see your GP?