Bealach na Ba - 4 weeks to go

arranandy Posts: 688
4 weeks to go!!!

How is everyone's training/preparation going? I think mine is going OK but will have to try and get a couple of 100+ milers in over the next few weekends.

Also just got my accomodation sorted out this morning. Myself and my friend are hiring a campervan for the weekend and shall be pitching up at the campsite in Kinlochewe. The owner of the site has assured me that he will be arranging some good weather for that weekend!!
Flying Scot? You must be joking!


  • rabk
    rabk Posts: 182
    My preparations have not been good.

    Had an accident at 10 at Kirroughtree mountain biking event mid July and stayed off my bike to rest the body, then last wednesday was due to go out for a spin - cue stomach pains and trip to hospital - stayed at hospital for several days.

    Now Mrs RAB has banned me from going on my bike so that I can recover.

    Not good
  • HP40
    HP40 Posts: 39
    campervan + campsite + Kinlochewe.

    The relationship between two of these words causes me great concern. :shock: Andy, I refer you to the Bealach website and stories of 2006: "Henry's story" will let you know what I mean. I'm scratching at the memories. You being from Arran probably means you are immune and unperturbed by the MIDGE, if so, you lucky man. :)

    Billions of midges camped out at that site for last year's event. I bet they've marked their calenders for the first weekend in September. I won't be there, cos, as promised, I'll be in a hotel!! :lol::lol::D
  • HP40
    HP40 Posts: 39
    My training is going fine. I don't think I'll be trying to do any 100s before then, I'm aiming for 75 85 90 60 for the next four weekends. But I am doing interval work in the hills.

    My strongest memory of last year, in fitness terms, was the up-down-up-down after the Bealach-na-ba. That was really hard going - it's always going to be hard but I wished I'd been a bit more prepared for that.

    There is an up-and-over hill I train on called Peaton. Both sides at the bottom are at sea-level. It has one-in-six on both sides, and takes about 7-8 minutes. I've been going up-down-up-down on it. It's serious hard work. (Jeez, I hope it's worth it!) Once a fortnight I've been having a go at that. On alternate weeks, I've been doing lots of 8-10% hills, steady stuff.

    Trying hard not to overdo it as well. I always worry that I should be doing more. I want to be healthy on 1st Sept, as well as ready.

    Shame about your probs, Rab. I hope you manage some training before the big day.
  • suze
    suze Posts: 302
    I'm so jealous (perhaps not the correct word) but I wish I was doing the Bealach na ba ride. We were up there on hoilday earlier this year and managed to fit in a ride over the Bealach into the holiday. What a great road. I can't wait till the next time I can get that far north again.

    Good luck everyone, may the wind be with you.
    �3 grand bike...30 Bob legs....Slowing with style
  • Rab, that's a nightmare, hope you recover in time.

    I'm beginning to be wary of the man who once posted 'use the same old routine - get the same old results'. Off up to Loch Rannoch this weekend so might try and get some hill training in up there.
    Cake is just weakness entering the body
  • rabk
    rabk Posts: 182
    Thanks Malcolm

    Seem to be on the mend now, but going to have to get the finger out to be fit in time.

    Not sure if I like the new format this year. it seems to be a staggerred start anytime between 8.30 and 10.00am so unlikely to be big groups to jump into on the way to Lochcarron.

    Also if I read it correctly, we are not allowed on the Hill road until 11.00am. So timing the start is important. Think I'll probably start around 9.00am like last year.
  • Gazmo
    Gazmo Posts: 52
    So this is where you all got to.

    Andy sorry about arran, I lost this thread and by the time I realised to late

    My preparation has almost been zero so I am already in the doubtful bracket
    I know I would get round but I was wanting to significantly reduce last years time.

    Rab: Hope all is well with you, do you still want the booking for the hotel, PM me or I will call soon

    I have three rooms booked at the Ledgowan hotel and I know at least one will be going a begging, so anyone needs just shout

    Cheers G
    I\'m an optimistic pessimist when it comes to hills
  • rabk
    rabk Posts: 182
    Hey Gazmo

    I was just about to email you when you answered this post - spooky or what?

    Count me in for the Ledgowan. I'll PM you about payment.

    Sorry to hear the training is not going to well (I know the feeling as stated above!)

    Catch up soon
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    Is it only 4 weeks to go?! Oh well.

    I am "not preparing" for it. I have an absess (sp?) on a sensitive area and a long ride planned for next weekend (this ride is my main goal foir the year so takes precedence over the Bealach) If this ride flares up the absess I may be in a bit of pain. I'll just have to ride out of the saddle I suppose :wink::lol:

    Anyone fancy meeting up for a pint or two the night before? I'll be at the hostel at Torridon.
  • kend
    kend Posts: 13
    Going for some Kenmore - Glen Quaich action this afternoon to ready myself for the big day. Had toyed with doing it twice (Kenmore-Amulree-Feldy circuit x2) but will probably woose out, do it once only but get some extra flat miles in instead to make up. Should be ~75 miles.

    Jase coming down on Tue for Pitlochry-Kenmore-Lawers-Lyon-Schiehallion road-Tummel bridge-Pits fun. That's 78 miles with two useful climbs.

    As mentioned in the other bealach thread, I'm getting concerned about the race format and subsequent 'hourglass' effect there might be on the climb. Also concerned about my back, midges, possible v gash weather etc etc etc. In all, bit scared really.
  • I'll be doing the Spud Riley six days before the Bealach na Ba. I'm not really thinking too much about the Bealach, as the Spud is much more difficult.

    If it wasn't for the complications with the train and level crossing, I'd be pretty happy about the lack of a mass start, as last year's was pretty chaotic.
  • My prep is ok, I think, after a viral problem a few weeks back. Most of my concern centres on my backside! 6 hours in the saddle and my wee son's rubber ring is the only choice of seat I can tolerate. Damn those patchy road surfaces.
  • Steve928
    Steve928 Posts: 314
    Prep's going well here too - I managed to fit in the Mor route yesterday. What a great ride with fantastic scenery.

    However, I had to screech to a near halt at least 20 times to rumble gently over cattle grids. Does anyone know if these are manned for the event, with the side gate open?

    I presume that I'm doing the right thing by taking them dead slow? You're not supposed to take them flat out or bunny-hop them I guess?
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    SteveNcp wrote:
    Prep's going well here too - I managed to fit in the Mor route yesterday. What a great ride with fantastic scenery.

    However, I had to screech to a near halt at least 20 times to rumble gently over cattle grids. Does anyone know if these are manned for the event, with the side gate open?

    I presume that I'm doing the right thing by taking them dead slow? You're not supposed to take them flat out or bunny-hop them I guess?

    If you in front of me when you come to a cattle grid expect to be passed at speed :roll: :lol:
  • nwallace
    nwallace Posts: 1,465
    There appeared to be a dearth of Midges on Mull a couple of weeks ago, despite there being loads on Skye about a month ago.

    Not sure if Mull suffers less than skye etc though
    Do Nellyphants count?

    Commuter: FCN 9
    Cheapo Roadie: FCN 5
    Off Road: FCN 11

    +1 when I don't get round to shaving for x days
  • blim
    blim Posts: 333
    Hi Everyone

    Less than 3 weeks to go. I did the C+ route around the Ochils (twice) a few weeks back which was really good - some nasty steep little climbs there between Dunning & Kinross. Trying to squeeze hill intervals in when i can, and going up and down (for those of you familar with the Lothians) "the Granites" in the Moorfoot Hills at weekends. But the Bealach is going to be something else. It'll be my first such event, so am getting a wee bit nervous...

    For those of you who did it last year, how long did the ascent of the Bealach itself take you?
    kop van de wedstrijd
  • Blim

    The results from last year are on the site - one of the breakdowns is the time up the hill. It's more, how long should I allocate to get to the hill that's taxing me at the moment.
    Cake is just weakness entering the body
  • arranandy
    arranandy Posts: 688
    I'm getting a bit nervous about it now as well. It's not the big climb that worries me but more the big descent down the other side. I've heard its a big tricky and the road surface isn't that good. Descending isn't my strong point especially if its wet :shock: therefore I'm hoping its a nice dry sunny day
    Flying Scot? You must be joking!
  • suze
    suze Posts: 302
    Hi arranandy

    Don't worry too much about the descent, All you have to do is remember to ride to your own abilities, and not try and mix it with those who are, more capable, more insane or just plain wreckless.

    Rule number one on the track is hold your line, and make that line predicatable.
    Do your own ride, don't worry about the others around you.

    I did the bealach in May, its a great road so ....Enjoy the ride.
    �3 grand bike...30 Bob legs....Slowing with style
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    blim wrote:
    Hi Everyone

    Less than 3 weeks to go. I did the C+ route around the Ochils (twice) a few weeks back which was really good - some nasty steep little climbs there between Dunning & Kinross. Trying to squeeze hill intervals in when i can, and going up and down (for those of you familar with the Lothians) "the Granites" in the Moorfoot Hills at weekends. But the Bealach is going to be something else. It'll be my first such event, so am getting a wee bit nervous...

    For those of you who did it last year, how long did the ascent of the Bealach itself take you?

    Didn't do the Bealach Na Ba Sportif but have been up it a good few times....i'd say 45-60mins is average for the climb...take it easier on the 1st 3/4s of the climb as its the long last straight before the hairpins which will break the hearts and the will!

    Seen a few earlier entries saying 'not too worried about the climb'....well I would worry and always will...its a beast....and one which should always be respected...the coastal road around the pininsual afterwards is another relentless killer.....fantastic route in a most spectacular setting.

    Its just a shame the organisers cant make the end in Applecross and finish with the Bealach climb...hitting that at 80 miles of hard cycling would be fun....
  • rhnb
    rhnb Posts: 324
    Really looking forward to this ride after doing it last year. One of the best sportif rides I've done.

    Was supposed to be doing it with my mate on the tandem (which would be interesting!), but unfortunately he's not too well at the moment, so, it's the road bike again.

    To anyone who hasn't done it, all I'll say is if it's half as good as last year it'll be a cracker, oh, and don't think you're out of the woods when you've climbed the Bealach - the fun has only just begun. That leg sapping roller coaster ride round the coast is not to be underestimated - thankfully the scenery is gorgeous and takes your mind off the pain - from time to time.

    As for the midges - I'll be taking the Avon Skin-So-Soft again ;-)

    I wrote up last years ride here if anyone's interested... ... /index.htm

    Now - all we need is someone to arrange good weather. This ride would be a whole different ball game in bad weather.
    Cycle tour reports and the home of \'Cycling Before Lycra\'
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    rhnb wrote:

    I wrote up last years ride here if anyone's interested... ... /index.htm

    Now - all we need is someone to arrange good weather. This ride would be a whole different ball game in bad weather.

    Bring your 7mm Allen Key with you again this year! It was me who asked for it :lol: And thanks for helping me out.

    I'm going to be taking it "easy" and enjoying the scenery this year.
  • RICHYBOYcp wrote:
    Its just a shame the organisers cant make the end in Applecross and finish with the Bealach climb...hitting that at 80 miles of hard cycling would be fun....
    They're part of the way there with the mini Bealach finishing in Shieldaig at the end of the peninsula section.

    Think the road closure requirements would rule out your dream finish, but why finish in Applecross? Why not just start the race in the village and finish it at the top of the Bealach. How unique would that be?
    Cake is just weakness entering the body
  • daowned
    daowned Posts: 414
    As Richboy was saying after the Bealach climb its not like its a flat road back home as I thought it was the last time I did the small route in May !

    Seeing as its close to 100miles in September and thats a lot of miles (for me anyway) my game plan is... stick behind a fast bunch all the way down to the Bealach using as little effort as I can.

    When I hit the Bealach I am going to give it 100% to the top, coast down to Applecross and then get back to the start taking it easy if I need to.

    Hope its a nice day cant wait its really keeping my spirits up at the moment with other stuff going on just now that I need not bore you all with...
  • 2 weeks to go - great training weather today! Any moire of this and I'll be switching direct from base mileage to tapering. 8:30 start anyone?
    Cake is just weakness entering the body
  • arranandy
    arranandy Posts: 688
    Tell me about it - absolutely chucking it down here.

    If its like this on the day of the event I think I'll spend all day in the bar of the Kinlochewe Hotel!!!
    Flying Scot? You must be joking!
  • daowned
    daowned Posts: 414
    Todays weather great! were did that come from? 10 days to go :P
  • rabk
    rabk Posts: 182
    Metcheck longrange forecast is for sunshine and showers with avery strong wind to blow us up the mountain.

    I am currently trying to decide if I should go out for a big cycle this weekend or rest my legs. Maybe a short run is in order

    What are the rest of you doing by way of tapering for the event?
  • arranandy
    arranandy Posts: 688
    Longish and hilly run (60-70 miles) this weekend then maybe commute a couple of times early next week. Then no cycling from Wednesday until the big day.

    Got to get my compact chainset fitted this week then try it out this weekend to make sure everything is running smoothly
    Flying Scot? You must be joking!
  • rabk
    rabk Posts: 182
    Perhaps I should get some hills in too.

    Just wasn't sure if it was accepted wisdom to reduce the distance/difficulty significantly the week before.