Please can you make me an admin/mod?



  • snorri
    snorri Posts: 2,981

    I think you don't understand what i'm saying, that wasn't said as a representative of Future, that was a general state on human nature hense why i said "Its human nature".

    Gavin, there is a big red Future avatar beside your post which would suggest to most people that you are speaking on behalf of Future. If you wish to make personal statements then I suggest you post under a different log in name , or at least post without the Future avatar attached.
    The other comments in your reply are not worthy of a response.
  • Who me
    Who me Posts: 493
    One response would be to go ok it's not what it should have been, If you want to be stuck in the old ways go to *cough cough* and point people helpfully out of the door towards the present day places of community and not this place of future community. I don't think future publishings are really after having a sandbox and some of the childish but fun ways of old so one way to get rid of that element is to provide somewhere elsewhere altogether for this "disruptive" element to go away to with out being childish on their own part in the very informal and ungrateful attitude that they have dealt with some people including using images such as ... ing%20.jpg
  • St.D1ckie
    St.D1ckie Posts: 982
    Glyn wrote:
    with the way its going future seem to have alienated all the past mods from here.
    Perhaps Mike can bring some of the old school back.

    Yes, we had a large board meeting and thought alienating them would be the best course of action to make all the members love us and appreciate the hard work we have put into Bikeradar!!

    I will mention this to John and he will let you know once he's awake (hes based in Aus)

    wow, so you really are a dick.

    WMB's Dude-o
  • John
    John Posts: 2,499
    Yeh I was wondering what was the deal with the old dude in the boat.
  • mike1-2
    mike1-2 Posts: 456
    So the question begs to be asked...

    When do I get my p0wars?
  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    Paul wrote:
    I think a lot less people left after that changeover. Most moved over to the next forum, a lot have since drifted off over the years for whatever reason, but I don't remember such a high percentage leaving because of the last changeover.

    I don't think we can compare it yet - the last changeover involved the forum (and whole site) being down for at least a couple of months while they got the new one ready. So we've got to wait, really, till this is out of beta and at a point where its ready for release before we can start expecting people to be signing up in droves.
    jamieayres wrote:
    andrew156 wrote:
    Thats not what he said at all.

    Really? I could have swore he did. If only there was some sort of quoting function that could quote what people have just said.....if only.
    The quoting function will state exactly what he said, though. Which wouldn't help you since it's incredibly hard to read your meaning out of his text.
  • John
    John Posts: 2,499
    Please answer Mikes question.
  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    I'd presume he wouldn't.

    If they're removing the powers of long-standing and proven mods, I can't see them creating brand new ones.
  • mike1-2
    mike1-2 Posts: 456
    Well they need to get rid of that TWAT BRS.

  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    Oh yes. Talk about over-bearing and on a power trip - he keeps editing and/or deleting my posts!
  • mike1-2
    mike1-2 Posts: 456

    I vote we meet him in a pub somewhere, and catch up for old times sake, then all we should do is bitch about the interwebz.
  • Gavin Weeks
    Gavin Weeks Posts: 321
    I'm not here to be friendly with those who wish to be abusive towards myself or other members, i'm simply here to monitor the forum for bugs, design issues and blatent breakages. I'm not a biker so I don't mind if you don't like me, or think i'm a dick etc. In fact it makes me feel good I'm having any kind of impression on some of you :)
  • jamieayres
    jamieayres Posts: 282
    Big Red S wrote:
    jamieayres wrote:
    andrew156 wrote:
    Thats not what he said at all.

    Really? I could have swore he did. If only there was some sort of quoting function that could quote what people have just said.....if only.
    The quoting function will state exactly what he said, though. Which wouldn't help you since it's incredibly hard to read your meaning out of his text.

    Well that just does not make sense, why would you look at what he has written for my meaning? Just look at my text for what i am trying to say and you should be ok.

    Essentially what i was saying in my first post was that equating peoples dislike for the forum alterations as a hard wired response to change is a bit of a cop out. I assume this is clear enough now?

    At the end of the day tho BR is here, it clunked into existence with all the grace of a drunk penguin and im sure it will sort itself out at some point....well assuming those who work on it get slightly thicker skins and learn to actually listen to peoples *valid* complaints as opposed to taking defensive positions.

    Moving on.
  • UH DH
    UH DH Posts: 4,160
    Big Red S wrote:
    So we've got to wait, really, till this is out of beta and at a point where its ready for release before we can start expecting people to be signing up in droves.

    Eh? It looks awfully like this has been released. I think it stopped being Beta the second the predecessors were closed.

    Personally, I post on many forums. I go where there are people to interact with. Users have been scared off, banned or forced out leaving the areas I frequent practically deserted. I follow to where the users are. Its a cumulative effect. The main posters go, content dies, lesser users follow. I think this isn't likened to a few bits of snow rattling down a hill to cause an avalanche, but mid-avalanche. The users are pouring out of here to elsewhere and as they do, more will follow.
    Check out my site -
    It's good for you.
  • mc
    mc Posts: 70
    UH DH wrote:
    Personally, I post on many forums. I go where there are people to interact with. Users have been scared off, banned or forced out leaving the areas I frequent practically deserted. I follow to where the users are. Its a cumulative effect. The main posters go, content dies, lesser users follow. I think this isn't likened to a few bits of snow rattling down a hill to cause an avalanche, but mid-avalanche. The users are pouring out of here to elsewhere and as they do, more will follow.

    I think the avalanche is over, and fresh snow is starting to fall. The main posters from the other forums have left, along with the hangers on, and this place is very slowly starting to improve.

    I think it's time to stop all the bitching about what's happened, and just move on. Either here, or elsewhere. Short of a miracle, the old forums aren't coming back.
    I know I'm starting to get fed up with the endless complaints, and I'm guessing many more are aswell, so get over it.
  • UH DH
    UH DH Posts: 4,160
    I don't think it is.

    I've been away a few days. Come back and all topics that have been altered since I was last on show up. Roughly 8 topics were highlighted. Only 3 were new ones, the others had about 2-3 replies added. This is over 3 days, and none of the posts were by new members. People are deserting the place and going to where everyone else is. If anything the avalanche is gaining momentum.

    And, Mr MC, you need to get your head out of your arse. You think that the main posters from the other forums leaving along with hangers on is improving the place? Thats like saying that napalm improved Vietnam.

    And if you just re-read what I wrote originally, I wasn't complaining, I was stating facts. The only opinions I see are your ones. So take your "thoughts" and shove them.

    Check out my site -
    It's good for you.
  • mc
    mc Posts: 70
    UH DH wrote:
    I don't think it is.

    I've been away a few days. Come back and all topics that have been altered since I was last on show up. Roughly 8 topics were highlighted. Only 3 were new ones, the others had about 2-3 replies added. This is over 3 days, and none of the posts were by new members. People are deserting the place and going to where everyone else is. If anything the avalanche is gaining momentum.
    In the previous few days, I've noticed alot more newer posters. Admiteddly some of them could be people who have lost their psot counts, but there are new posters appearing. I'm guessing you're looking at different sections than I am.
    And, Mr MC, you need to get your head out of your ars*. You think that the main posters from the other forums leaving along with hangers on is improving the place? Thats like saying that napalm improved Vietnam.
    If you'd actually cared to read and comprehend what I said, I made two statements.
    1. The old users have left.
    2. The place is starting to improve.
    I didn't say that the place had improved because the old users had left, it's quite obviously the exact opposite, but things are starting to improve.
    And if you just re-read what I wrote originally, I wasn't complaining, I was stating facts. The only opinions I see are your ones. So take your "thoughts" and shove them.
    You're stating something that's been stated numerous times before. I was saying that I'm fedup with seeing the same complaints being raised everyday, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
    <some of us don't need to resort to inappropriate insults>
    Ah, the good old computer screen bravado. I've been called far worse online, but unless you say it to me in person, I couldn't really care what you call me. Afterall, everybody is entitled to an opinion.
  • ddoogie
    ddoogie Posts: 4,159
    I'm with MC on this one. This forum is getting better all the time and I, for one, am starting to feel more at home here. People may have left but new people are joining. These are the people that will keep the forum fresh and full of new questions and opinions. Some of these new members will obviously stay and their input will help form a new community of riders.
    S-works Stumpjumper FSR

    I'll see you at the end.

    You'll see me on the floor.
  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    jamieayres wrote:
    Big Red S wrote:
    jamieayres wrote:
    andrew156 wrote:
    Thats not what he said at all.

    Really? I could have swore he did. If only there was some sort of quoting function that could quote what people have just said.....if only.
    The quoting function will state exactly what he said, though. Which wouldn't help you since it's incredibly hard to read your meaning out of his text.

    Well that just does not make sense, why would you look at what he has written for my meaning? Just look at my text for what i am trying to say and you should be ok.
    He said something. You said that what he said meant something it clearly didn't, then seemed to object when someone pointed this out.
    UH DH wrote:
    Big Red S wrote:
    So we've got to wait, really, till this is out of beta and at a point where its ready for release before we can start expecting people to be signing up in droves.

    Eh? It looks awfully like this has been released. I think it stopped being Beta the second the predecessors were closed.
    Traditionally, alpha releases are the first functional releases, only to developers and people with too much time on their hands. Alpha releases are intended to find and iron out massive bugs and check usability.
    Beta releases are tested on real people. Well, real willing people.
    This is the Beta release. You can't have a beta release without releasing it. I suppose when I said 'ready for release' i meant 'ready for stable release'.

    Though my point wasn't about the terminology, it was about what was happening. Snitz was presented as a 'this is what your forum is like now - live with it'. This one's been presented with 'this is what your forums are like now. How do you like it?' and they've been listening and they've been changing. Until it's been declared as finished (in the 'this is how it is - live with it' kind of way), I don't think it's fair to decide it's dead - i'd be hesitant about joining a forum that calls itself a beta release.
    Personally, I post on many forums. I go where there are people to interact with. Users have been scared off, banned or forced out leaving the areas I frequent practically deserted. I follow to where the users are. Its a cumulative effect. The main posters go, content dies, lesser users follow. I think this isn't likened to a few bits of snow rattling down a hill to cause an avalanche, but mid-avalanche. The users are pouring out of here to elsewhere and as they do, more will follow.
    Yeah. And they did this four years ago or whenever Snitz was opened. The forum recovered pretty quickly.
  • maurice
    maurice Posts: 151
    Big Red S wrote:
    Traditionally, alpha releases are the first functional releases, only to developers and people with too much time on their hands. Alpha releases are intended to find and iron out massive bugs and check usability.
    Beta releases are tested on real people. Well, real willing people.
    This is the Beta release. You can't have a beta release without releasing it. I suppose when I said 'ready for release' i meant 'ready for stable release'.

    To be fair that is crap. You don't force beta standard software on your end users, you might use it to give them a preview, confirm/update requirements, use it to test for more complex bugs. Even saying that, I'm not sure the first enforced release of the bike radar forums was even of a beta standard as it was missing major features (although now it's improving).

    You might want to try to look past games as the only type of software, the only people in their right minds that test commercial software are those that get paid to do it, inc. me.
  • Who me
    Who me Posts: 493
    Beta testing tends to run in parallel with an already stable product.
  • Red Lemon
    Red Lemon Posts: 3,433
    Hell, Windows is usually released as a commercial product before it even reaches Alpha.... :wink:
  • Who me
    Who me Posts: 493
    No it's not they have a beta program which you can sign up with hence how there were copies of Vista around over a year ago.
  • mc
    mc Posts: 70
    I think somebody missed the irony in Red Lemons post ;-) :lol:
  • Who me
    Who me Posts: 493
    Yep sry I did as this thread/forum don't put me in the mood for irony anymore :cry:
  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    maurice wrote:
    Big Red S wrote:
    Traditionally, alpha releases are the first functional releases, only to developers and people with too much time on their hands. Alpha releases are intended to find and iron out massive bugs and check usability.
    Beta releases are tested on real people. Well, real willing people.
    This is the Beta release. You can't have a beta release without releasing it. I suppose when I said 'ready for release' i meant 'ready for stable release'.

    To be fair that is crap. You don't force beta standard software on your end users, you might use it to give them a preview, confirm/update requirements, use it to test for more complex bugs. Even saying that, I'm not sure the first enforced release of the bike radar forums was even of a beta standard as it was missing major features (although now it's improving).

    You might want to try to look past games as the only type of software, the only people in their right minds that test commercial software are those that get paid to do it, inc. me.

    But there is no real way to run a beta and a stable release of a forum in paralell.
  • lacuna
    lacuna Posts: 4,004
  • Who me
    Who me Posts: 493
    Of course there is a way of running a beta. Launch it and then merge it with the other forums but by almeans have copied the user accounts across. Then it can also be a totally new thing with out all this hangover from what Future want to be the past. Yes complaints but people will also get a chance to adjust or leave rather than be faced with a choice of "comply or die".
  • Big n Daft
    Big n Daft Posts: 418
    edited July 2007
    Who died then?


    Dont you think your just maybe 'over egging the cake' a touch?

    I see no wire, no guard towers, no armed troops crushing dissent.

    Do you?

    The forum changed, ok, it is not perfect, it might not be all things to all people....but it is the way it is.....we as users can make suggestions as to how we would like it to function...but the owners do not have to take any notice whatsoever, they will make their own decisions, we have a choice.....use it or don't.

    No one is here against their will, no one will die if they choose to go elsewhere, if this forum is the same as every other one on the net, those who go wont even be remembered in 2 weeks time.
    Cycle tracks will abound in Utopia. ~H.G. Wells ... 3Small.jpg
  • Who me
    Who me Posts: 493
    Figure of speach :roll:

    Look I'm not making a serious comparison to Hitler like was previously made by others elsewhere I'm just saying that BR was kinda forced onto us all.