I'm sorry to say...



  • JinjaNinja
    JinjaNinja Posts: 1,033
    Well if you take another look it has calmed down.

    That was a lack of ettiquet knowledge this morning that has been rectified by an hour later. And no you don't need to read abusive posts, thats the great thing about a forum, just skip them!
  • SJ
    SJ Posts: 2,871
    snorri wrote:
    Tis a pity to see discord among those of us who derive pleasure from the bicycle :)
    It seems to me this new forum is split between off road and onroad, and it appears there is an assumption in some quarters that Road means racing on the road. This leaves on road cyclists with no interest in racing and competition a little in the dark when it comes to talk of racing, and completely taken aback by the Pharmacy section. :shock:
    I think a little patience is required with the apparent quirks of some posters, the changeover has been handled poorly and we are all being tumbled around in some sort of giant cyber mixing machine at present.
    Let us hope constructive discourse spiced with some humour will soon be the order of the day. :)

    Probably the most sensible post in here yet!
    a dirtbag of the most delightful variety