Girls ride bikes?



  • SJ
    SJ Posts: 2,871
    November wrote:
    In 10 days! However, I will be moving about 7 hours up north for you! :cry:

    But we'll find a way!

    That soon? I wouldn't bother, it's still bloody raining! :wink:

    7 hours? Where are you moving to?

    We shall find a way, don't you worry about that
    Kitty wrote:
    Would I be invited to the shopping trip?

    I'm sure that could be arranged! :D
    a dirtbag of the most delightful variety
  • November
    November Posts: 130
    Well, Huddersfield.. but I've heard about the London traffic ;)

    Indeed Beth, something shall be arranged :D
  • SJ
    SJ Posts: 2,871
    I'd avoid London completely... Unless of course the shopping was to be had in London... Camden... Oooh, there's an idea!!!
    a dirtbag of the most delightful variety
  • November
    November Posts: 130
    No idea how on earth I'd get down there though!
  • SJ
    SJ Posts: 2,871
    Trains are wonderful things!
    a dirtbag of the most delightful variety
  • November
    November Posts: 130
    Wonderfully expensive and long too if you want to take one from Huddersfield to London!
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    Nov. as Mat will tell you wakefield to london less than 2 hours ? now.

    or is it just over 2? been a while since i caught that train.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • November
    November Posts: 130
    Well, we've been finding trains for my father from there and it's a bit more than that as he'll be on the way for 4,5 hours. Guess it depends on what train you take though! But it'll have to be a well planned out shopping trip for booking the train in advance.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    booking the train in advance is a must or it will cost you an arm and a leg.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • SJ
    SJ Posts: 2,871
    Not that long but not that cheap! £75 thereabouts! Not to worry though, we'll find a place and a way! Maybe even bring the boys, we'll need someone to carry the bags and drive us about and stuff...
    a dirtbag of the most delightful variety
  • November
    November Posts: 130
    Reckon I could sell my pancreas rather than my arm and leg? It's useless anyway.. </crap sense of humour>

    We will indeed find a way! The boys could drive us there, then bugger off while we go shopping and we can have a curry at the end of the day. :D
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    Nov, wakefield london 2.03 mins fastest. Ok if you do the Hudds. to wakefield then yes it adds a lot of time.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • November
    November Posts: 130
    Bloody English trainsystem. Here the furthest you can go will cost you 4 hours approximately to cross the country from North to South and will cost you 28ish quid at the most when simply going there and buying a ticket!
  • Pee
    Pee Posts: 1
    SJ wrote:
    Nice! We won't make it that far over, hoping to do the WC course at Champerey though!

    When are you heading out?

    Its very muddy and bloody lethal at the moment!! I work as a DH guide based in Champery/Morzine and its not too much fun to ride!! Good Luck and take care as you hit the road crossings as its quite a busy road for farm traffic!!
  • SJ
    SJ Posts: 2,871
    Hey Petra, it's SJ from SDH...

    We're going early Sunday morning, 6 days and counting! Apparently the weather has got a bit better over the weekend and it's due to get better next week, will still be taking the waterproofs though!

    Have you ridden the Champery track?
    a dirtbag of the most delightful variety