Hayfever again

Gran E. Gear
Gran E. Gear Posts: 423
I'm on loratadine at the moment, having little or no effects.

I'm struggling to get a lungful of air, and the cycling's suffering accordingly.

Any alternatives that anyone can recommend, please?

Thank you.


  • a spoonful of Honey every day.

    must be produced locally. Local farmshops usually sell it. It might cost a bit, but if it can help me get a lunguful of air without passing out, its worth it.

    Mleh Mleh Mleh
  • woody-som
    woody-som Posts: 1,001
    I use to get hayfever every year, then about 8 years ago I found this http://www.goodnessdirect.co.uk/cgi-loc ... 25161.html

    I took it for a couple of years, then forgot the following year, not had hayfever since, unless I happen to go somewhere with an extra high pollen count.
  • binlinus
    binlinus Posts: 305

    Try taking a longer warm up (yeah I know it sounds silly in this weather) and just breathe through your nose for the first 20 mins of your ride. This should give your natural immune system a little extra time to deal with it. Even after your warm up go fairly easy and try to ride within your limits. Try not to force yourself to breathe deeply as it can provoke even more of a reaction.

    If your nose is blocked, unblock it. Take a normal breath out, pinch your nose and hold the out breath for about 15-20 secs. Then flare your nostrils with thumb and forefinger and breathe in slowly through your nose. If it's still blocked, repeat a couple of times. When riding blow snot balls by pressing one nostril and spitting (snorting) through your nose. Don't do this too hard and don't blow your nose too hard as it will inflame the membranes and other gooey bits in your nose and make things worse. Treat your nose gently and it will serve you well.

    I never found the drugs to do much good.


  • horizon
    horizon Posts: 91
    I stopped using loratadine (Clarityn) a couple of years ago because it seemed to be less and less effective. I'm now taking one a day Piriteze (cetirizine hydrochloride) which are brilliant - out in the wilds of Hfds today for 4 hours without a problem apart from slightly itchy eyes. For 30p a day it has to be bargain of the year!

    Cycling for a better City at www.cyclehereford.com
  • EmergBiker
    EmergBiker Posts: 85
    Nasal steroids work for me most of the time (Beconase, Flixonase etc.) but only handle the nasal symptoms. This year has been really bad and have had to resort to oral antihistamines as well at times (mostly for eye symptoms).

    There seems to be a lot of variability between individuals about which antihistamine suits you (should you resort to antihistamines), so you may have to give a few a go before you find one that suits. Personally I find all of them sap my energy, but Loratidine is about the best for me.

    UK Sport have a (not very useful) advice page at

    Best of luck and if all fails it should be over fairly soon.


  • ut_o_cykla
    ut_o_cykla Posts: 58
    My daughter has changed to (the cheap version of) cetirizine and thinks its much better than loratidine. Fewer side effects, better relief and the possibility to double the dose on really bad days. She also uses Livostine (don't know what the UK version of this is)eye & nose products. (She suffers really badly and Swedish doctors don't 'believe' in desensitisation that worked so well for my hubby in teh good ole 80's!)
    Still roll on winter, rain & snow and no pollen ...;-)

    pousse moi s'il vous plait
    pousse moi s\'il vous plait
  • ut_o_cykla
    ut_o_cykla Posts: 58
    Ooop me again- if you're having trouble breathing - get to your GP or similar soon - bad hayfever can end up being asthma - not funny as I know from experience (see note about daughter).

    pousse moi s'il vous plait
    pousse moi s\'il vous plait