Etape Caledonia



  • gillan1969
    gillan1969 Posts: 3,119

    presumably its because due to the closed roads and whatever else they are able to run this as a 'race'...nae disrespect to the fixed fratenity but i don't think that a racing bunch on open roads is the place for fixed wheel.......

    the other rides are just 'challenges' i.e. specifically not races

    I'm hoping its a good day out..............albeit expensive
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by nashcom</i>
    I've entered the Newtonmore audax the following weekend
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    See you there [:)]
  • nashcom
    nashcom Posts: 255
    Righto, Noodley! Are you still planning to do the Snow Roads this weekend? I'd like to hear how you get on. I'll be doing it very soon, hopefully, and on fixed... [:D]
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by nashcom</i>

    Righto, Noodley! Are you still planning to do the Snow Roads this weekend? I'd like to hear how you get on. I'll be doing it very soon, hopefully, and on fixed... [:D]
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    I have moved it from Saturday to Sunday but still plan to ride it - however, I am visiting Wheelcraft on Saturday to see about a new titanium bike and if they can build it up for me in a short time (I shall be getting hand built wheels but Al has said he would do what he can to get me on it in as short a time as possible) I may wait until it is ready before riding Snow Roads.

    As it stands, I shall be leaving Kirriemuir early on Sunday...
  • KeithG
    KeithG Posts: 1,010
    Noodley, you'd better take a waterproof!
  • Flying_Monkey
    Flying_Monkey Posts: 8,708
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Paul McG</i>

    Too much quibbling about the fee I reckon.
    Surely they have their costs. Going there a day early means we spend money in the town,
    so it brings some benefit to the locals.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Every sportive has costs, and everyone who does them contributes to the local economy, but I've never seen one try to charge more than around œ25 before. They are deliberately trying to squeeze cash out of the increasing 'high-end' of the cycle market, specifically the kind of people who buy a new œ3000 carbon bike every couple of years, and wear Rapha stuff, and want a not-particularly challenging event in a scenic area. That's fine so long as it doesn't spark price inflation for other sportives. I'll stick to the cheaper and tougher ones...

    Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety

    Now I guess I'll have to tell 'em
    That I got no cerebellum
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    Nicely put flying monkey - my thoughts exactly.

    Brian B.
    Brian B.
  • KeithG
    KeithG Posts: 1,010
    Surely, the unique cost of the EC is the closed roads and the fees which will go the police for stewarding the event. Isn't that why it costs so much...?
    Amazing amount of cynicism this event is generating.
    Also flying monkey, it is worth considering that the extra œ25 this event costs is not that much when you consider the cost of getting there if you're coming from Newcastle (your address).
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    I'm with FM on this one
  • gbyers
    gbyers Posts: 164
    Starting times and entrants posted on their web site.

    Just under 1300 entrants. Seen posts from around a dozen cynics on this site.

    Game Over.

    Or at least postpone judgement until after the event to decide whether entry fee seems justified.

    Anyone expecting to see a witty and imaginitive signature here obviously hasn't seen my username.
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    Seems to be a lot of cars with bikes attached heading in the general direction of the start this evening. I still reckon it may be a drift towards "high end/high cost" cycling certainly does not encourage regular participation in such events as most people have a finite budget. It will/may either result in people not entering other similar events or encourage a move towards such events being the preserve of a wealthy elite. Maybe I am just being a bit to "grass roots socialist" about it all. (says he who is heading off to buy a new bike [:D])

    and, yes Keith, I reckon some form of waterproofing may be in order (if I do it [:I]) but it is looking less and less likely - I chose this weekend as I reckoned the end of June may afford the opportunity to enjoy a warm and dry ride [:0] but obviously I was wrong on both counts. Mind you I can afford (no pun intended) to postpone it til later in the year when it is dry(er)

    Good luck to all you Etape Caledonia-ers, have fun [:)] and remember you paid for the rain, it was part of the entry fee!
  • Peter Main
    Peter Main Posts: 60
    Well they got loads of riders so the doom sayers were wrong. I'll let you know whether it was worth 50 notes! I still can't see why they want to inspect my bike hmmmm, lets see, frame, two wheels, saddle, handlebars, gears etc.......yes, its a bike alright, you can ride tomorrow( oh and brakes as well.


    the idea is to die young as late as possible
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    I'll be making the three hour round trip tomorrow to show them my passport and my bike and then it looks like I will be getting up at the sparrow's fart on Sunday to be there for an 8:15 start. Despite all that, and the 50 notes, and the northeasterly gale and the rain, I have to say I am looking forward to it.

    "Fast and Bulbous." Capt.Beefheart.

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • i've gotta say i'm bored of all the nae sayers and doom mongers . . . fair enough, its more expensive than some others, you didn't enter, said why not, so leave it be.

    quite frankly, its dragging the anticipation of those taking part down somewhat.

    at the end of the day its promoting cycling and getting lots of people together for a single event with the aim of a bit of a challenge for those taking part on closed roads . . . OK, theres not many cars on the roads anyhow . . . but it only takes one car to spoil a days ride. Take away the possibility of cars all together, then your left with getting the most you can out of the ride without fear of the car.

    Personally, i'm looking forward to it.

    I'll be there on a blue/black Trek, reddish hat and either grey polaris top or a yellow jacket.

    i think i set off at 8:30 . . .

    MTB eijit
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    and, fisha forgot to say - he'll be the one sodding off up any climb faster than anyone else! or was that just me? [:I]
  • jimbo43
    jimbo43 Posts: 39
    I'm the guy who started this thread a few weeks ago and I have enjoyed reading all the comments that folk have made about the Etape Caledonia. I would just echo the comments of the last person - very well put indeed. As for me, I'm loking really forward to it too - regardless of the weather. See you all there on Sunday. Lets have a GREAT ONE and we can say "I WAS THERE!!!!!"

  • that'll depend on how much fuel is in the tank at the bottom of the hill!

    MTB eijit
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by jimbo43</i>

    I'm the guy who started this thread a few weeks ago and I have enjoyed reading all the comments that folk have made about the Etape Caledonia. I would just echo the comments of the last person - very well put indeed. As for me, I'm loking really forward to it too - regardless of the weather. See you all there on Sunday. Lets have a GREAT ONE and we can say "I WAS THERE!!!!!"

    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    I WAS THERE!!! = I WAS CONNED. Jimbo I have rode this route before and it is a cracking route. The roads are virtually traffic free and I was going to ride this route but the organisation has put me off.

    To be fair though all this carry on about checking peoples bikes is a farce as the route for a sportive is relatively dull and not challenging and could be done on a sub œ100 bike no probs.

    I am just riled as most people like me have family and other committments and to have this farce which is turning out to be a 2day affair for a ride in my proverbial back garden is ludicris. I hope that it is a dismal failure which would force a change in attitude.

    This goes against all my principals as Scotland could have some cracking sportives if they were organised correctly. I do hope that all involved do have a good time and enjoy the views.

    Weather outlook is bleak but thats the norm for this summer in Scotland.

    Brian B.
    Brian B.
  • Noddycp
    Noddycp Posts: 48
    Brian B

    You've posted five times to pour negativity on a thread about a ride you're not doing. You obviously will be far to busy looking for other things to moan about. Personally I'm delighted you wont be there girning your head off.

    To those of you who'll be there - hope you enjoy it.


    Physicists are atoms way of thinking about atoms
    Physicists are atoms way of thinking about atoms
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Brian B</i>

    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Noddy</i>

    Brian B

    You've posted five times to pour negativity on a thread about a ride you're not doing. You obviously will be far to busy looking for other things to moan about. Personally I'm delighted you wont be there girning your head off.

    To those of you who'll be there - hope you enjoy it.


    Physicists are atoms way of thinking about atoms
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Yeah but thats the point of my moaning. I was all for doing it and paying the money but I cannot see the sense in having to take my bike up there for them to see it. No other sportive requires this and just smacks of desperation. Anybody who actually knows me will know that I would love to do more sportives in Scotland but I refuse to be conned into drving up there twice or staying the night.

    Did you not see my post about others enjoying themselves and it is a cracking route for scenery. Anyway just because i wont be entering the sportive does not mean i will not be cycling the route 2moro just the same.

    Brian B.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Brian B.
    Brian B.
  • Peter Main
    Peter Main Posts: 60
    I drove down to register today, we left the bikes in the car and when we arrived at registration I said, "you don't really want to see my bike do you?". I was asked if I had tri-bars, I said no and that was that, they didn't want to see my bike. A bit of a waste of time to be honest.


    the idea is to die young as late as possible
  • KeithG
    KeithG Posts: 1,010
    Back home after a very memorable day of riding in some pretty dire weather.
    Worth œ50? You bet, probably worth more, it really was a very well organised event and riding in a bunch on closed roads was amazing. Tearing along a twisty road at a steady 22mph with a load of others and then hammering down the descents knowing there wasn't anything coming the other way was fantastic. I've ridden those roads many times (I grew up in Pitlochry) and that was a magnificent day of cycling despite the rain.
    To paraphrase that cheesy advert "what are memories worth?...priceless".
    Really all the carping miserabilists missed out on a great day on the road.
    No criticisms whatsoever (from my point of view) and I beat my personal best by a whopping 37 minutes. Damned nearly got in in under 4 hours, so I am one very contented guy and my grin should last all week.
    You have to have been there to see the extent of admin involved, 100s of cones and notices, motorbikes, masses of helpers standing around in the rain at junctions, ambulances, apparently faultless transpnder set-up and timing. A very well organised and complex setup.
    Brilliant event. Brian, go and do it next year!
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by KeithG</i>

    Back home after a very memorable day of riding in some pretty dire weather.
    Worth œ50? You bet, probably worth more, it really was a very well organised event and riding in a bunch on closed roads was amazing. Tearing along a twisty road at a steady 22mph with a load of others and then hammering down the descents knowing there wasn't anything coming the other way was fantastic. I've ridden those roads many times (I grew up in Pitlochry) and that was a magnificent day of cycling despite the rain.
    To paraphrase that cheesy advert "what are memories worth?...priceless".
    Really all the carping miserabilists missed out on a great day on the road.
    No criticisms whatsoever (from my point of view) and I beat my personal best by a whopping 37 minutes. Damned nearly got in in under 4 hours, so I am one very contented guy and my grin should last all week.
    You have to have been there to see the extent of admin involved, 100s of cones and notices, motorbikes, masses of helpers standing around in the rain at junctions, ambulances, apparently faultless transpnder set-up and timing. A very well organised and complex setup.
    Brilliant event. Brian, go and do it next year!
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Thanks Keith I will and I nearly did this year but Mrs B did a huge big frown when I mentioned to her that I might have to stay away again. I have a really busy schedule for the next 3 weeks due to family and work committments and my missus did not want me to spend a full w/end for just a ride up in an area which I cycle reguarly anyway and I could not argue with her. I checked the weather first thing when I got up and thought about you guys cycling the event as I would not wish that weather on anybody.

    Anyway glad to hear that people had a good event and hopefully common sense might prevail next year.

    Brian B.
    Brian B.
  • nwallace
    nwallace Posts: 1,465
    On the day organisation appeared flawless.
    Didn't see a spot of rain in Pitlochry or round the Tummel either (I didn't leave till 3)

    Took me roughly 2 hours (got text sometime whiel asleep 2hrs 1min 1sec) to go round the 28 mile route though i did stop for a breather and found my self walking up a hill or 2 :'(. Slightly disapointing as i don't think they were all that bad though it was early morning (to me) and I should have expected it having spent most of this year on my tourer.

    First home on the Challenge (71 miles) was around half 11, by which time I had got back to the car, changed, put bike back in boot and walked up to watch others returning.

    Does anyone run these sort of events at times more suitable for those who are not morning people?
    Do Nellyphants count?

    Commuter: FCN 9
    Cheapo Roadie: FCN 5
    Off Road: FCN 11

    +1 when I don't get round to shaving for x days
  • This was my first experience of organised rides and I have to say that I thought it was excellent. The weather was just about OK and I beat my expected time by half an I was chuffed.

    If they run it again next year I'll be the first to sign up.
  • Well, i went up with my parents to do it and we thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.

    As already said, there were tons of marshalls, cones at every entrance, signs at every junction with marshalls, motorbike out-riders, medics and at a couple of the short, sharp steep tricky corners and whistles from the marshalls to make sure you were aware of it.

    You can see where the money went in laying out the course.

    Also have to say that it was also the best organised mass start too and the little transponders worked a treat. It was nice to not have to stop and 'dib' instead, just whizz over the sensor matt at 20+mph and hear it beed that its registered you.

    I did it in around 4:22ish i think - way better than i thought i would get one.

    MTB eijit
  • Superb, amazing & brilliant. Worth every penny, you could NOT compare it to any other event in Scotland, huge effort all round, excellent course signage, marshalling, food stops, start procedure, race ending paddock, all great.

    Dont think they need to change anything, except a slightly later start time next year, although I suspect that the locals wont put up with the huge incovenience the event caused if we dont at least pay for a night in a hotel and a meal in a restaurant. All told it was a fairly expensive ride to be involved in, but there is nothing comparable in Scotland, so therefore to do a European event of similar organisation would cost a whole lot more once transport is taken into account.

    Frankly I was happy to hear so many English accents on the course, proves that with the right event and a lot of understanding from the locals we can draw so many people to our fair land.

    Thanks to everyone who chatted to me, rider 493 (red top, red bike, sunglasses) and kept my spirits up when the cramp set in!
  • jimbo43
    jimbo43 Posts: 39
    Yes, I really enjoyed the whole experience too. I think that it was œ50 well spent, as the organisation was First Class!!!

  • Scoosh
    Scoosh Posts: 11
    A Spectator's Perspective
    Travelled up from Edinburgh on Saturday to watch this event.
    Pitlochry was buzzy and busy on Saturday, despite the frequent rain.

    I am fortunate in having the use of a caravan at the Faskally site and thoroughly enjoyed standing at the roadside from 0800 on Sunday clapping and cheering on the massed riders, led by a motorcycle rider, in their 4-min start intervals.

    Once the road to Pitlochry opened at 0915, I dashed round to Weem, (at the Aberfeldy junction) and stood for 3 hrs cheering and applauding most of the same riders - looking a lot more dirty, tired and determined - as they approached the 70 mile marker.

    Talking to the marshalls at the junction, some things became clear:
    1) Pitlochry and Aberfeldy townships don't get on too well [:(!](bit like Edinburgh/Glasgow, Campbells/MacDonalds ....)
    2) the event had apparently been organised through Pitlochry, with Aberfeldy being told about it rather late - they had other events already arranged for this week-end. Most of the nay-sayers were from the Aberfeldy area, not Pitlochry (noses/joints ??)
    3) they all recognise and accept that lessons will have been learned, which can be applied to future runnings of this event
    4) word is that they would like to make it an annual event but maybe earlier or later in the year

    Apparently it is the only closed-road Sportive in the UK, which has to make it pretty special

    To all who completed the Challenge Course:
    Thanks for doing a great job, I really enjoyed watching you and hope that my wee applause and cheers helped at the legs-of-lead times !
    I want to ride it myself next year ..... as long as it doesn't rain .... as much ....

    ancient Peugot 12 vitesse - bought for a Fiver (plus helmet, lock and local map !)
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Peugot 12 vitesse - bought for a Fiver (inc helmet, lock and local map !) 52/42 and 11-22

    Condor Fratello, SRAM Rival - bought for a lot more !
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    Glad to here it went well. I was thinking about you as I sat in the nice warm cinema watching Shrek the Third. [;)]