How can I lose weight

cyclinggirl Posts: 196
edited June 2007 in Road beginners
I only want to lose 4 pounds to get down to my ideal weight. Since I've been cycling, which is about 8 weeks now, I haven't lost a pound.
I go nearly every day and do about 10 miles, furthest I do is 15 and am trying to build on this but I get so hungry.
I can eat healthily but find I need a few more snacks as I am starving.
It seems a viscious circle, the more cycling I do the hungrier I am so my weight always stays the same. [|)]


  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    it's tough it is

    when you say you are hungry every day - you really shouldn't be - the body goes nto starvation mode and becomes remarkably efficient at storing everything as fat.

    eat the snacks - but make then fruit and healthy snacks - if you like crisps try replacing them with ryvita minis - thats what I did, same taste(ish) but just 0.2g fat. If you like sweet stuff try a yogurt or similar to get that sweet fix without too much sugar or fat.

    Also remember that your first few weeks your body is changing in many ways - it is building muscle in the legs to deal with the extra demand as well as blood vessels to supply oxygen to those muscles. Your lungs and heart are growing to keep up the aerobic engine and it is possible that you are losing fat and changing bodyshape without actually dropping weight - weight alone isn't the be all and end all of body shape. (despite what some weight watching groups might have you think!)

    stick at it and you will change for the better - but be concious that 10 miles a day is a good training regime and you need to fuel your body for that!
  • nun
    nun Posts: 434
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by cyclinggirl</i>

    I only want to lose 4 pounds to get down to my ideal weight. Since I've been cycling, which is about 8 weeks now, I haven't lost a pound.
    I go nearly every day and do about 10 miles, furthest I do is 15 and am trying to build on this but I get so hungry.
    I can eat healthily but find I need a few more snacks as I am starving.
    It seems a viscious circle, the more cycling I do the hungrier I am so my weight always stays the same. [|)]
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    One of the reasons I like cycling is that its the only sport that encourages you to eat will you're doing it.....Seriously, I think you'll have to up your mileage to see weight reduction. Your legs are probably getting stronger, but to burn calories in cycling you'll need more miles. From my own experience to loose much weight you have to be doing 20 or 30 mile hard rides 2 or 3 times a week with longer rides at the weekend. I started much like you, try to ride 10% further each week, soon 50 miles will be normal and you'll be planing your first century.
  • Wogan
    Wogan Posts: 203
    Never mind the weight, how do you look? I've put on 3kg since March but my beer belly is shrinking fast - the weight gain is all leg muscle. Don't focus on the numbers, look in the mirror.

    Seconding gkerr and nun - gradually increase your mileage to really see/feel results.
    <font>Hemingway Soapbags</font>
  • Cathryn
    Cathryn Posts: 176
    Try the GI diet. It's fantastic and your skin improves too!!
  • simon_e
    simon_e Posts: 1,706
    I would echo up what gkerr4, nun and Wogan say. Weight can be handy as a target but it can be a distraction. 4 lbs? That's not very much at all! Weight varies on a daily basis by a couple of pounds. Who said this was your ideal weight, how do they know? Every person is different.

    Some people argue our bodies are designed for frequent intake of small amounts rather than 2 or 3 big meals per day. Snacks are good - as long as they're healthy and part of your overall intake. I find raisins at work stop me craving chocolate so much. I do give in and treat myself now and then - there's no benefit in depriving yourself completely.

    Fruit juice, squash and the evil beer all contain nasty calories. Drink lots - 8 good cups of <b>water</b> a day minimum, more on hot days or when you're exercising.

    Aspire not to have more, but to be more.
  • Bianchi Boy
    Bianchi Boy Posts: 323
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Cathryn</i>

    Try the GI diet. It's fantastic and your skin improves too!!
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Yep. the GI diet is very good. I was on it about three years ago, and lost almost 5 stone, and I've kept it off. I eat normal diet now, but still keep atrack on my weight. Ifit starts to go up I do another couple of weeks on the GI diet and it gets it back down again.


    Celeste is best ... ion002.jpg ... ion005.jpg ... ion006.jpg ... ion010.jpg ... ion012.jpg
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    Whatever you do, do not go "on a diet" - eat healthy snacks such as dried fruit, find "treats" like curly wurlies which have lower calories than other treats, eat sensible portions, eat often. Do not get to the stage where you are hungry as you will eat more than you need and eat it quicker. And mileage wise, your current mileage will be sufficient to lose weight.

    (this is only based on my personal experience so may be boll0cks - but I lost 3 stone a couple of years ago eating as described and riding similar mileage. I have since put on a few pounds but I am putting that down to muscle gain [;)]. 'Diets' are not sustainable, sensible eating changes are.)
  • "I only want to lose 4 pounds to get down to my ideal weight."

    Without knowing your present weight, difficult to comment! 4lbs may or may not be significant. Since I started cycling regularly - not far, not fast, but REGULARLY! - I've managed to gain a bit of weight. If I lost the sort of weight some have mentioned I would be dead.

    Getting exercise, eatimg well, weight unchanging - sounds fine to me!

    "Like a true nature's child,
    We were born,
    Born to drink mild"
  • Noodley
    Noodley Posts: 1,725
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by davej</i>

    "I only want to lose 4 pounds to get down to my ideal weight."

    Without knowing your present weight, difficult to comment! 4lbs may or may not be significant. Since I started cycling regularly - not far, not fast, but REGULARLY! - I've managed to gain a bit of weight. <b>If I lost the sort of weight some have mentioned I would be dead. </b>Getting exercise, eatimg well, weight unchanging - sounds fine to me!

    "Like a true nature's child,
    We were born,
    Born to drink mild"
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    and if I hadn't I may have very well been! [;)]
  • Sort of my point: we are all different!

    "Like a true nature's child,
    We were born,
    Born to drink mild"
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    I've lost three pounds in four months!

    But my beer gut has gone.[8D]


    Best thing I ever bought for a bike?
    Padded shorts![:D]

    Giving it Large
  • Archcp
    Archcp Posts: 8,987
    4lbs? I find if you find the 'right' angle on a cheap set of scales, and hold onto the sink while you weigh yourself you can easily lose that much...[;)]

    I can't be much real help, I need to lose a stone really. 4lbs doesn't seem that significant to me... I suppose the best thing is to replace snacks with higher fibre (more bulk) ones - fills you up to satisfy the hunger craving, but for less calories...

    Oh, and eat slowly - you fill up sooner...

    If I had a baby elephant, it could help me clean the car. If I had a car.
    If I had a baby elephant, it could help me clean the car. If I had a car.
  • Go for a run, I did 10k last night and managed to lose 2kg! Obviously this is water, but what the hell!

    Seriously, 4lbs isn't a lot, and if that's all you need to lose you must be fairly trim to start with. It is always they last bit of weight to loose that causes problems and takes far longer.

    May want to calculate the calories you are taking in to make sure you aren't scarfing way more than you think when you are hungry. Why does it seem that eating when you are hungry is always the worst thing you can do!!
  • There was an article in C+ a couple of months ago on weight loss from 'A Doctor'. I'll see if I can find it when I get home. I seem to remember them saying that fat burning was best achieved by going out without breakfast.
    No chain, no gain
  • Eat less move more. its that simple

    Mleh Mleh Mleh
  • henderson_mk
    henderson_mk Posts: 637
    i think there's a link with going out for a quickie in the morning (for example on the way to work) fasted... but just be mindful you don't go too far and bonk when doing it.

    I can do about an hour first thing in the morning with just a coffee to keep me going... but anything after that and I'm about to fall over. its worth a go though.

    try 6 smaller meals a day...

    say ride to work with just a coffee.
    eat two slices wholemeal toast & peanut butter (or something like that) when you get in.
    have another snack about 10.45 / 11.15 (more toast.. or cereal with fruit?)
    eat lunch around about 1 (nice sandwich / soup / pasta salad maybe?)
    snack at 3.30 to get you home... (banana? oatcakes?)
    ride home at 5.
    snack when you get in on something so you're not starving... then dinner an hour or two later?

    this is kinda what I try to do most days... and it feels like i'm eating loads.. but i've definitely went down a pound or two in the past month or two.

    i guess its to do with keeping your metabolic rate higher through constant little kicks of food... i'm sure there's something more technical behind it and that someone will be along soon to explain better than I can...


    cheese. to be eaten, not listened to.
  • domtyler
    domtyler Posts: 2,648
    edited February 2011
    Forget the exercise, it'll kill you in the long run. My company sells a secret blend of Himilayan herbs that can cause you to SHED FAT at a previously unheard of rate whilst actually enabling you to EAT WHAT YOU WANT!!! Please send me large quantities of cash via Western Union and I will dispatch your individually tailored package to enable you to GET THE BODY YOU ALWAYS DREAMED OF.

    Porridge not Petrol
    Meth rehab forums
    Porridge not Petrol
  • walkercp
    walkercp Posts: 1,012
    cyclingirl, Take this tip on board and it might help, another member here told me about it and it worked, I've lost a stone in 3 months.
    Try and cut out man made sugars and stick with natural Sugars.

    Cut out all bread in your diet, its hard at first for things like lunch but after a while you find it harder to go back.

    Up your milage on the bike, if you can't then up your speed a 5mph cruise is just the same as walking at ambling speed. It might be worth investing in a HRM and seeing exactly how hard your pushing yourself. You can't burn fat unless your in a Heart burning zone.

    As others have said cut out the snacks and replace with fruit. Although eating more during the course of a day does raise the Motabalism and stops the body storing so much fat. Drink green tea if you can and eat more fibre. Both of these stop the body obsorbing fat so much.
    Stay off fizzy drinks, especially Cola, Cola Makes your fat cells bigger, so whatever you eat with cola Makes your body soak up more fat than it needs to.

    Rhino's are the new Elephant
    Baby Elephants - free from artificial flavourings, colourings and preservatives
  • henderson_mk
    henderson_mk Posts: 637
    ...cola makes the fat cells bigger?? is this true? seriously? even diet coke?

    cheese. to be eaten, not listened to.
  • 2191flint
    2191flint Posts: 803
    LOL, I lost 2 1/2 lb recently...I changed my bike![;)] just get out and ride, eat sensibly, porridge for breakfast, tinned fish/fruit for lunch, normal evening meal, drink plenty of water. 4lb is a relatively small amount, and that is always harder to shift than stones.

    A turkey is just for Christmas, not for life.

    Me and my bike-
    Signature free - with immediate effect.

    Me and my bike-
  • See if you can get checked on a body fat moniter then , as was mentioned, weight isn`t important but loss of body fat is! A mate of mine has been losing weight steadily for the past year or so & after starting the gym found he wasn`t losing weight but when his body fat was checked he was losing fat not weight!

    Good luck! [:D]
  • Ste_S
    Ste_S Posts: 1,173
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Noodley</i>

    Whatever you do, do not go "on a diet" - eat healthy snacks such as dried fruit, find "treats" like curly wurlies which have lower calories than other treats, eat sensible portions, eat often. Do not get to the stage where you are hungry as you will eat more than you need and eat it quicker. And mileage wise, your current mileage will be sufficient to lose weight.

    (this is only based on my personal experience so may be boll0cks - but I lost 3 stone a couple of years ago eating as described and riding similar mileage. I have since put on a few pounds but I am putting that down to muscle gain [;)]. 'Diets' are not sustainable, sensible eating changes are.)
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Agreed. I've lost nearly five stone now over the past year, through cycling and very small tweaks to the diet. It really is just as simple as getting the miles in, and not eating anything silly on a regular basis.

    I eat more now than I did before, but more of the right things. Lot's more fruit for starters. If anything I probably don't eat enough.
  • walkercp
    walkercp Posts: 1,012
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by henderson_mk</i>

    ...cola makes the fat cells bigger?? is this true? seriously? even diet coke?

    cheese. to be eaten, not listened to.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    So its been told. There is a chemical in Cola that triggers of the fat cell and arouses it and makes it bigger. Anyway why would you drink something that is used to Unclog Drains?

    Rhino's are the new Elephant
    Baby Elephants - free from artificial flavourings, colourings and preservatives
  • pauluscp
    pauluscp Posts: 2,530
    Cyclinggirl, remember that muscle weighs more than fat. So, you may be losing the flab that you have, but you will obviously be building a bit of muscle. You could end up weighing more than you do at the moment but you will of changed shape. Have a look in the mirror and take a good look at yourself.

    So many roads, so little time!!!
    So many roads, so little time!!!
  • I recall reading that soft drinks sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup actually suppress the mechanisms which tell your body that you are no longer hungry and can stop eating[:0]
  • Cut your feet off. They weigh quite a bit, and with some nice new carbon-fibre ones you will hardly be handicapped at all.

    "Finding a witty yet original signature is quite difficult isn't it?"
  • peterbr
    peterbr Posts: 2,076
    I'm not sure on the coke, but I second what walker says on bread - cut it out altogether. It's a total disaster when loosing weight in a way that's even greater than other carbs - probably due to the GI index and the sheer convenience, meaning you eat more than you think. You still need fillers as part of a meal - look at boiled spuds, brown rice and salad (stick to italian vinegar/oil dressings and not the creamy ones).

    I also increase my fibre intake with dried fruit and sweetcorn - there is no need whatsoever to feel hungry. Keep taking in plenty of water too.

    It's also true to say the tapemeasure is a better guide than the scales.

    Good luck!

    <hr noshade size="1">
    Elephants - where were they when we were fighting the nazis? Eh? Eh?
    <hr noshade size="1">
    "Europe\'s nations should be guided towards a superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation"
    Jean Monnet, founding father of the EU.
  • freddered
    freddered Posts: 391
    Weight loss/Gain is simple maths. A pound of fat is 3500 calories (but that depends on you having fat to lose).

    If you don't change anything about your life apart from cycle an extra 3500 calories worth of miles (a wild approximation is 5-7 hours of cycling) then you will lose a pound of weight more than if you hadn't cycled for 7 hours.

    SUMMARY ====
    If you don't lose weight after exercising more than normal then you are eating more than normal.
  • Greenbank
    Greenbank Posts: 731
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by freddered</i>

    Weight loss/Gain is simple maths. A pound of fat is 3500 calories (but that depends on you having fat to lose).
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    The number of fat cells you have in your body remains constant. When you "put on fat" the cells get bigger. When you "lose fat" the cells get smaller. You can't change the number of fat cells you have without surgery (this is what liposuction does).

    Also, bear in mind that building muscle (which is more dense than fat) also requires calories. So you may weigh the same but you'll look slimmer.

    Looking back at my weekly weigh-ins from when I started cycling again it took 9 weeks for there to be any noticable loss (I was consistently around 90.0kg).

    However, friends were saying that I looked like I'd lost loads of weight, but I was still near enough 90.0kg.

    Then, after my body had finished building up the new muscle it felt it needed, it started to drop consistently with no further increase in cycling. Not a huge amount, just a pound or two a week, and I'm now down to 83kg (from a 2007 lardiest of 94kg).

    If I had a baby elephant signature, I'd use that.
    If I had a baby elephant signature, I\'d use that.
  • <i>Originally posted by henderson_mk</i>

    ...cola makes the fat cells bigger?? is this true? seriously? even diet coke?

    wouldn't have thought so. it doesn't do anything for anorexics.
    if you are <b>eating properly </b>but find yourself snacking a lot try low calorie pop such as pepsi max when you feel like a snack. drink it'll make you feel "full" without any of the calories.