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Re: Should dish_dash swallow his pride and retire?
Hello, apologies for the delay. It appears a ban was automatically issued. However, I have removed this.5 -
Re: Photography Thread
The new bike lost and the walking boots won: I think I made the right choice. Watching the mer de nuages tumble through the gap into 'my' valley was just the most extraordinary sight. Had I taken a t…5 -
Re: Should dish_dash swallow his pride and retire?
I'm back!!!! No idea why I was banned and wasn't quite sure how I'd face the 2025 season without y'all... Thanks @TheBigBean for facilitating my release!8 -
Re: monday are you hep to the jive
Thanks for all your kind comments and best wishes. So, just back from the Onc. Very good news!! The 5 areas in the liver have shrunk considerably according to the MRI scan. The Rectal tumour has shru…9 -
Re: Seemingly trivial things that cheer you up
New bike day. Nothing fancy, but the Lapierre seemed to be good VFM and passable looks too (including very tidy aluminium welds - some of the marques I saw looked like they'd been done by a spotty ap…8 -
Re: Photography Thread
A little stroll in the local park this morning observing the battle between the Sun's warmth and the cold weather.5 -
Re: Photography Thread
A passable way to see off 2024. The first one was because I had to take my rubbish to the communal collection point before the walk.5 -
Re: Photography Thread
Too blimmin cold still to go riding in the morning here (-4C this morning at 10am), so I made do with doing things with the turkey leftovers and then going for a quick stroll up the ravin again. Rewa…6 -
Re: Photography Thread
Another good frost to play with...5 -
Friday! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
Moroning all. Tis Friday! Hopefully last day of Chemo! Hurrah! Early appointment at 8.45 so best get a wriggle on. Drugs. More drugs and more drugs. Possibly coffee too Laters.5