Fookin' chavs from the village...

Keeners Posts: 5
edited May 2007 in The Crudcatcher
Right. Backstory.

Ages ago, i bought a pair of Shift Chill gloves off Stif. I was dead chuffed and all, because they were really good gloves for the money.

Anyway. Riding up t'local jumps a while back, i came home, didn't think anything out of the ordinary. Next time i wanted to go riding, my gloves were nowhere to be found. *dramatic music* After mourning for a while, i moved on and bought some Shadow Conspiracy ones.

Then on the school bus home the other day, one of the local chavs whacks out a pair of gloves, and *shock shock* they're my Shift Gloves. I sauntered over to ask where they got the gloves from..."Toys R Us, mate."

After a load of "Fu<font size="2">ck you, you can't get them at Toys R Us"s from me, they revealed that they had, in fact, "Nicked 'em, mate. They ent yours."

"How'd you nick them from a store that doesn't even stock them, then?"
"Stuck em in my pocket mate."

I really do dispair sometimes.

[:(]</font id="size2">

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<font color="black">Pirate Lord of the Carribean Sea.</center></b></font id="black"><hr noshade size="1"><hr noshade size="1">
