Saturdays Silly Shenanigans And Shattered Sleep.....zzz

Morning all

Shootest sleep ever. Been semi-awake since 2am. Listened to podcasts, read books. Listed to trip-hop. Nada. Feel like someone has shat in my head.

I blame the steroid tape I have wrapped round my finger tips. Obviously stronger stuff than I though.

Shopping like a zombie this morning. Best way. Shaun of the Dead stylee.

Collect daughter from Uni. Sleep.

Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.


  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,267

    P69 similar sleep but cider self inflicted so you win.

    split run with some pals as a couple only want to do 6 ish miles.

    spend a very little amount of time with the family then off to test the new gravel bike handlebar's on beer and bikes at the old town, need to bail before it gets too silly as it’s a reasonable ride back

  • oxoman
    oxoman Posts: 636

    Morning all. Hope you get some kip at some stage P69. Local parkrun planned in a bit. Hoping to get out on bike later as well. Finish last minute Christmas wrapping as well. Dark and cool outside at the moment.

    Too many bikes according to Mrs O.
  • Light frost, bike ride with pal and bit later, will involve coffee.

  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,757


    Grey, grizzly dreich. Must have precipitated much overnight.

    Today; I dunno. See what energy I can muster up to finish loft ladder installation or... sod off into the sticks for soggy Porker jolly for cake and coffee. It's mot a pedalling day today..

    Have fun pn69. You might find you'll crash later on. I don't know what dose you are on but I took a high dose/lower dose high dose/lower dose etc to reduce the steroidal effect. So if you were on 100mg for example, you take 125 then 75 on the next dose. It helped a little.


    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,239

    Funnily enough my cycling buddy has cried off today on account of having a bad night's sleep and feeling cdap, so looks like I'll be doing my own thing later. A few jobs and a trip into town first, once I've had a coffee anyway.

    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • Webboo2
    Webboo2 Posts: 1,330


    Back home in a cold North Yorkshire. Found a case of wine in the shed that wasn’t there when we left.

  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,947

    Afternoon folks,

    Female child's birthday today, went out for a meal last night with the lad, having a more relaxing day today but we'll get some nice food in for this evening.

    Last minute Christmas wrapping Oxo? Is your calendar fast? I should think about doing some Christmas shopping I guess.

    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • Short run, felt pretty good considering the 37 pints of moretti we drank last night.

    Currently working with MrsHD and plotting another skiing holiday.

    Probably mid Feb due to other things like our 25th wedding aniversary getting in the way.

    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • photonic69
    photonic69 Posts: 3,155

    3 hour sleep this afternoon. Probably won't sleep again tonight/morning. Bah!

    Chemo suddenly hits you a few days later. Completely floored.

    Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.