Seemingly trivial things that cheer you up
Probably beyond the grasp of the average leftie anyway.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
I did tell them at work that I'm a phenomenon 😁
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Thought you'd like a photo of the person you voted for.
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So when you were a Tory voter, were you thicker than you are now?
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
I'd argue the most intelligent people are balanced. Whats left or right wing these days?
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I'm no political football supporter.
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Left wing is to the left of the poster's viewpoint.
Right wing is to the right of the poster's viewpoint.
The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
I am not sure. You have no chance.Veronese68 wrote:PB is the most sensible person on here.0 -
You can also lean to the right or left depending on the situation or circumstance. Brian's completely right wing in relation to the environment/property because he travels between two homes in different Countries.
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Probably. But I do like to learn.
OTOH, from your political perspective now, you'd probably label Cameron as a leftie, so maybe my ignorance has stayed constant.
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Perplexing, isn't it, when you can't pigeonhole people into a particular box. Well, only perplexing if one has a need to pigeonhole into a them/us dichotomy to make sense of a complex world full of complex people.
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Right you are Brian.
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Mind you, re the travel, my entire journey to France is by public transport, as well as bike and walking, so is that leftie or rightie? Or is half my journey leftie, and the flying bit rightie?
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Aurora alerts are going bongers and the sky is clearing. Just hope it waits until after 9pm as I can't get out before then.
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Even visible from the house in Edinburgh tonight
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It was really cloudy here but I got to the local reservoir just as it cleared a bit and it's the first time I've seen the colours immediately clear to the naked eye. Took a panorama and just as I finished it clouded up and the aurora died down. It seems to be my lucky week!
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Sort of pinkish smudge in the sky in South London. Looking forward to seeing what Pross caught.
1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
Pinnacle Monzonite
Part of the anti-growth coalition0 -
The Streisand Effect. Perhaps Mone would like to complain about the press coverage of the fortunes she got from corrupt covid contracts.
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At last having a fry-up on the remotest tor on Dartmoor (Fur Tor).
Note to self to buy better quality dry-cured (streaky) bacon next time and bigger baps, and could have done with a lid for the frying pan to keep the wind and rain off, and to cook the eggs more thoroughly. But a good first attempt.
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Memory is a bit hazy as I'm old and have had a few drams but checking the water content is also a consideration.
Meat % as a minimum.
The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
I am not sure. You have no chance.Veronese68 wrote:PB is the most sensible person on here.0 -
Does that qualify as recreation?
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I could check the labelling, but just simpler not to buy the prepacked stuff that creates lakes of scummy water the moment it starts to fry and to get the stuff from the local farm shop that just fries. I'm annoyed with my own laziness.
FTR, "with added water (9%)" I suspect that this is pretty standard for prepacked bacon.
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Of what - The Last Supper? There were only three of us for starters. Sorry, no, we didn't have starters, just plunged into the main course.
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Just thinking about that supreme court case about Dartmoor.
According to the reasoning of the hedge fund manager's lawyers, you cannot walk if it isn't recreational, and for recreation you can only walk. In that photo, you seem to be sitting down, which is not therefore recreational walking.
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Bigger baps are always popular.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]1 -
Aha, sorry, missed that context. Yup, he seems like a total arsehole... buys up a few thousand acres of Dartmoor then repeatedly tries to overturn the established legal status of which he must have been aware when he bought it, to spoil the enjoyment of thousands of others. Charming.
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I think he's going to lose though, because of the absurd construction required to win.
Most likely, the result will be that walking for recreation will be taken to mean pedestrian access more broadly. This should exclude, rightly, unfettered MTB access etc.
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I don't think it's the walking bit though he's contesting, is it? It's the wild camping in particular, I thought, which he's claiming isn't recreational... though it does feel like thin end of the "Geroff my land, common people!!" wedge.
Out of interest, having been in Scotchland, what's your view of Right To Roam? Cases such as this tend to sway me in that direction, in order to give clarity. There's the anomaly on Dartmoor of the fenced-off Vixen Tor... a similar case, but on a smaller scale.
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They are trying to restrict the right to roam on Dartmoor specifically to walking, so as to exclude all other forms of recreation. Including, for example, camping but also standing, sitting, having a picnic.
Overall, right to roam in Scotland is great, but there are issues because people are ignorant. The legislation is poorly drafted, such that it is difficult to prevent people from basically living by roadsides or car camping for any period. The guidance against this has no legal weight.
In turn, this creates honey pots of activity, at places close to the central belt. We had huge problems near where I lived, with hundreds of cars back to back along a single track road. Dozens of large groups camping and cutting down trees, pissing and shitting in the woods. This was reflected at a few accessible reservoirs in the Borders (though not as bad) and the Trossachs national park had to enact a bylaw preventing wild camping in the end.
All local authorities ould do this, but it becomes complex for areas with local authority roadside land adjacent to private or Scottish Water land.
If the legislation was drafted more tightly, to limit camping in one place for one night, and to prohibit it within say 200m of a road or dwelling or even further, this would deter car camping with a giant cooler.
Overall I would say careful what you wish for. I benefitted hugely from the free access to bodies of water. And it is glorious to be able to amble wherever you want. However, if that was the case in more densely populated England, basically we would all from time to time have parties just the other side of the garden fence.
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Congratulating a pro on Strava on making it to Como before Tadej (he dnf'd) and him liking it (he's leaving his current team).
Cake is just weakness entering the body1