Clothing annoyance

I decided, after going from (at 65) 22 stone two years ago to 13stone, to get a new wardrobe in general, and as I had just returned to cycling, proper clothes, not expensive branded ones but Halfords and the like.

My annoyance is sizing.

WHY is it that whilst all of the clothes I have chosen are the same comfortable fit they range from medium to XXL.

Why is there no standard size, how can a large in one type be, in a different garment, make, either XXL or M ?

Autistic with ADHD


  • focuszing723
    focuszing723 Posts: 7,965
    edited August 3

    Basically, like I don't know either. I'd like to have a choice of basic sizes, but like basically I can't.

    I've given you a like.

  • davebradswmb
    davebradswmb Posts: 522

    Worse still, I recently bought a technical shirt and a casual tee shirt from a fairly well known uk brand and the sizing was totally different. I'd checked the sizing chart for the technical shirt and that is a great fit, I never thought that there would be a different chart for the tee shirt but there is, and it is miles too big.

  • Part of it is the fact there is no standardised sizing, so manufactuers will determine their own sizing, which obviously leads to large discrepancies. I am not sure if the same applies to cycling apparel, but in fashion clothing there is also something called 'vanity sizing, basically you label sizes smaller than they traditionally are to encourage people to buy your brand, i.e. a size xl is labelled Large so people feel better about themselves.

  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,293

    Yeah, vanity sizing is ridiculous. I’ve got 32” waist jeans where I recently broke a belt loop from constantly pulling them up. If I actually measure my waist I suspect it would be closer to 36” but the only time I’ve ever had to buy a 36” waist pair of trousers triggered me to get back on the bike after a 12 year break and lose 2 stone. I sometimes have to buy 34” to get them to fit my thighs and they then become seriously annoying to wear.

  • oxoman
    oxoman Posts: 374

    I've found that the blingy brands are sized for racing snakes, middle of the road brands will have 2 fits within there range aka racing snake and more normal ish sized. Funkier are one of the more normal ish sizes. I'm not the lightest at 82kg and XL fits me OK, that's with what I class as a comfortable fit not tight fit. Well done on the weight loss and getting back into cycling.

    Too many bikes according to Mrs O.
  • skyhawk1
    skyhawk1 Posts: 13

    Autistic with ADHD

  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661

    If it makes you feel better, I have the same but there are about 50% of brands that are literally just too big for me, and even if they’re not, there is a 75% chance they won’t stock it in the physical shop

  • Sizes aren't even always standard within a particular brand!