Disappointed that one of the first jokes I learned in primary school seems to have gone over people's heads.
Seemingly trivial things that annoy you
Fair play. Recycling old jokes.
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I thought it was wheelie good, ignore the trash talk.
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Did the Dartford crossing a year ago.
Tried to pay it but when I put my numberplate in it didn't work, whatever I tried, so I left it.
Just got a call from debt collectors - they want £680. Apparently the car is registered at my old address (which I never registered it at) and no-one forwarded on the penalty noticed.
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Aren't you supposed to get a pass for the first offence?
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The way the IT sector has taken over loads of job titles and then assume anyone with the original job is in IT. I regularly get contacted offering me a fantastic opportunity to work as an infrastructure engineer, working remotely with great salary only to look and find it relates to IT. Yesterday was a new one where it also mentioned working on greenfield schemes which obviously makes it sound even more construction related. I don't know if it is as annoying for architects as I see that getting into IT job adverts too.
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Some see charges like that as a tax on motorists, so you're a tax dodger now 😉
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
The term "engineer" is overused and misused.
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I sometimes describe myself as a 'Financial Engineer'.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
So it turns out £450 of those charges are the baillifs charging me for visits to the property I no longer live at.
I've challenged those as it's a bit unreasonable to charge me for attempts to collect a debt I had no knowledge of having, given the only correspondence until today has been letters to an address I don't live at.
Not least as they did have my phone number as they texted me this morning saying I had an "outstanding account".
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Has it impacted on your credit files?
I'd be tempted to challenge the whole thing, I'm intrigued how they got your old address if the car was never registered there.
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If I were you I'd get to the bottom of why they sent the charge to your old address and take it from there. If you had an account with the crossing people and never updated, could be an issue. If their mistake and you can demonstrate it, or the DVLA mistake and you can demonstrate is, I'd be writing to both the crossing and the debt collector.
In my experience debt collectors go for the low hanging fruit and as soon as they encounter headwinds they pause or move on. Ultimately they would take it instructions from the crossing, so it could be made to go away with not that much effort.
Two examples for me was
1. Flagrant debit card abuse by an individual at a rental car company, and attempt to recover charges above the overdraft limit - all charges reversed by bank but never heard from the debt collectors during that process, after I sent the redacted bank statement and my letter to bank
2. Sent debt collection notices at current address relating to someone recently living at my wife's old address (where she hadn't been for 30 years), but with a different spelling of her surname and a different forename. Stiffly worded letter mentioning GDPR sent to the electricity company, copied to debt collector, never heard from them again.
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Motorbikes are currently annoying. Using bike lanes, parking on the pavement etc.
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I don’t know how I would find it out. Seems whoever I bought the original car from used my old address (presumably as I hadn’t updated my new address with the bank when I bought it as it all happened in the same month ) on the V5 form so I never thought to update it as I thought it was registered with the new property.
That explains why the details didn’t recognise on the crossing payment as I was using my current address and why they sent all the correspondence to the old address.
It’s just a massive shock out of the blue. Bailiffs ffs. Honestly I could cry. £680 and bailiffs for that.
it’s awful
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Aren't you registered with any of the companies like Experian? If there's anyone putting a report on file it should appear there. Definitely worth checking as it could cause you problems down the line especially if you are considering moving in the next few years.
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Do a free credit check
- Genesis Croix de Fer
- Dolan Tuono0 -
You'll be on telly soon with your face fuzzed out 🤣
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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It's not great but it's not awful. You wait till you crack one of those alloys.
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Having cracked an alloy on a Golf I can confirm its North of £700
Wilier Izoard XP0 -
It’s not that it’s bailiffs being sent round and being 24hrs away from a county court judgment for something I literally found out about at 10am this morning.
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Yes. We did this a while back: architect has become a verb much like engineer.
1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
Pinnacle Monzonite
Part of the anti-growth coalition0 -
Put a post here. You'll probably get some sound advice quite quickly. I imagine you'll need to pay something, but not the full amount.
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You can challenge a report on your file, not sure how but there are probably instructions of the sites.
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I'm going to feel guilty if no one replies. They usually love a car fine legal discussion.
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I came across this trying to find out if I remembered correctly about the pass for first time offences (it is correct but you need to pay the £2.50 fee) - may be of use https://bailiffadviceonline.co.uk/index-page/dart-charge-and-tfl-congestion-charge/dart-charge-out-of-time-witness-statement
£2.50 turning into £680 is pretty mental and non-trivially annoying.
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Sorry, that's the one I meant. The one that focuses on the UK. I see you've had a couple of responses now.
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So they linked me here:
This is also the advice I was given when I spoke to the dartford crossing people.
I will try to do it but I wonder if it is worth getting advice as the main reason they get rejected is because of poorly drafted statements.
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Strongly suspect that some code of conduct has not been followed somewhere along the line.
It is shit, no doubt, but some phone calls are likely to resolve it.
I'm not clear how someone you bought it from got the old address, but I'd be describing that as a clerical error by a third party that has only just come to light.
You have only bought that car in the last few weeks and Fwiw I forgot to change my car address details and the turn around is 5 working days at best. So at the very least that's doubled for you.
Legally you'd probably be in a fairly strong position, but you want to get ahead of it now and avoid all of that.
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I think you've got the wrong end of the stick
- Genesis Croix de Fer
- Dolan Tuono0