Currently Building Bike Rack For My Workplace


I am planning a bike shelter set up for employees. Quick question: what type of bike racks do you prefer? It would be nice to know your favourites or must-have features below and I'll try to incorporate them.


  • oxoman
    oxoman Posts: 636

    We used to have the old fashioned curved style ones that the wheels slot into, but no good for bikes with bigger tyres. So we've gone to these loop style ones set into the ground. We also made the sides opaque as we had ebikes targeted, they cut through the plastic sides. Now opaque with extra bars to stop bikes being taken out of the sides. We also repositioned the shelter to a more secure position. Posted a link showing the loop style ones we used.

    Too many bikes according to Mrs O.
  • wakemalcolm
    wakemalcolm Posts: 1,014

    Features in order of desirability for me:

    1. Sheffield rack. Nothing with a groove or wheel track

    2. Some kind of roof covering so that your saddle and transmission aren't soaked at the end of a working day

    3. Surrounding it all with a restricted access cage using either combination or card entry.

    Good luck!

    Cake is just weakness entering the body
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 12,141

    The sheffield cycling stands are definitely good, and I have used them at a previous workplace, and it's what you tend to see through most town centres I would wager.

    On the negative side, they are not hugely space efficient, and careless people might damage another bike, partially knock it over, or even put their lock through your bike!

    My current work place uses one where you have parking underneath through a hoop type of arrangement, and above should you want it.

    I have failed to find an exact picture of it, but it is along these lines:

    Ours has a pop up hoop towards the rear of the bike, and I lock through that, and through the rear wheel and stay.

    I haven't generally been a fan of this kind of parking before, but I'll be honest on my previous commuter, and now gravel bike, it works well, keeps it steady and I've had no issues at all.

    I think if the demand is not high enough, just floor mounted ones would be fine, but would echo points 2 and 3 in the post above - a roof that covers the bike is definitely required for me to ride in, and a secure location, though I still lock it of course, is key - only access with a key card or a combination lock etc.

    Good luck, hope you get lots of backing, and it encourages people to ride in :-)

    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • Thank you so much both of you, this is super helpful!

  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 12,141

    You're very welcome!

    Do post some pics once it is in if you remember :-)

    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,947

    We had 1 & 2 on this list, unfortunately without 3 some local scrotes cut through a D lock and stole someone's bike. We now have a rack in the warehouse, but it's one of the types that stands a bike on the back wheel so is no good if you have mudguards. A protected Sheffield stand is the best option if you have space in my opinion.

    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…