saturday proving pineapple non-differentiability

looking soggy
maybe ride, cafes, laze
Morning. Very cold, much wetness due imminently. Run then chill with OH.
Too many bikes according to Mrs O.0 -
Dreich. Coffee then family visit to Dune Pt 2 and dinner.
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just having a brew in bed and then on to painting the kitchen ceiling in readiness for my wall art installation.
Advocate of disc brakes.0 -
We’re having a family visit to Dune 2 soon. IMAX?
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי0 -
Nope normal screen
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Decent lie in needed and was had. 'Orrible and wet down in Kentland so waiting for the storm to pass before venturing out into town.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Overnight snow here! Lots of it but very slushy. Roads very quiet on way to shopping earlier. The smugness of having winter tyres was almost overbearing.
Dune? Dunno if ICBA. The first film was soooo dull. Literally nothing happened.
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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I gave up after a bit of Dune #1 as it was nothing like the remake I expected.
Advocate of disc brakes.0 -
The most interesting thing about the original Dune was the technical production stuff they went through to make it. To create the realistic landscape for a sand planet, they cleared a huge area of desert (in Mexico I think?) of every last rock, cactus, shrub, whatever, to leave just sand. Something like 100 acres IIRC. This created unexpected and massive problems - the increase in light and glare intensity was extreme, and all the cameras and film could not cope, had to re engineer it. They actually made thousands of the "still suits" from leather, but they were so hot in that landscape the cast kept just about passing out from hyperthermia. There were loads of other issues....
The film was dreary though, no argument there.
Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS0 -
Even more snow here than yesterday. Mrs W was feeling a trifle sore after yesterdays walk So I went to the climbing wall in Keswick for a couple of hours. If you planning a trip to said town of Keswick this afternoon I wouldn’t bother as it’s full.
Later will be more eating and drinking.
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What is this white stuff you talk off, absolutely nothing here but some higher up in the peaks yesterday apparently.
Too many bikes according to Mrs O.0 -
In the distant future, Duke Leto Atreides, ruler of the planet Caladan, is assigned by the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV to replace Baron Vladimir Harkonnen as the fiefholder of Arrakis, a harsh desert planet and sole source of "spice", a valuable psychotropic substance that imparts heightened vitality and awareness. Spice is key to interstellar travel, giving Spacing Guild Navigators the ability to guide starships to traverse space instantaneously and safely. Shaddam plots for House Harkonnen to retake Arrakis, secretly aided by his Sardaukartroops, to destroy House Atreides. Leto is suspicious of the Emperor but weighs the risks against the power of controlling Arrakis and making an alliance with its mysterious natives, the Fremen.
Leto's concubine, Lady Jessica, is an acolyte of the Bene Gesserit, an exclusive sisterhood whose members possess advanced physical and mental abilities. As part of their centuries-long breeding program, they instructed her to bear a daughter whose son would become the Kwisatz Haderach, a Bene Gesserit and messianicsuperbeing with the clairvoyancenecessary to guide humanity to a better future. She disobeyed and bore a son, Paul, who is trained by Leto's aides, Duncan Idaho, Gurney Halleck, the Suk doctor Wellington Yueh, and the Mentat Thufir Hawat; Jessica teaches him Bene Gesserit disciplines. Paul confides in Jessica and Duncan of his troubling visions of the future. The Reverend Mother and Imperial Truthsayer Gaius Helen Mohiam visits Caladan and subjects him to a death-alternative Gom jabbar test to assess his humanity and impulse control, which he passes. At a secret meeting on Giedi Prime, Mohiam insists Baron Harkonnen spare Paul and Jessica in his coup, to which he duplicitously agrees.
House Atreides arrives at Arrakeen, the fortress stronghold on Arrakis. Duncan's advance party has made contact with the Fremen. The natives revere Paul and Jessica, which Jessica explains is due to the Bene Gesserit sowing beliefs on Arrakis centuries earlier. Leto negotiates with Fremen chieftain Stilgar and meets the Imperial Judge of the Change, Dr. Kynes, a planetologist who lives among the Fremen. Kynes briefs them on the dangers of spice harvesting, and the giant sandworms which travel under the desert and make the use of protective Holtzman shields unwise. During a flight, they dramatically rescue a stranded spice-harvesting crew from a sandworm, and Paul's exposure to the spice triggers intense premonitions.
An attempt to assassinate Paul with a hunter-seeker fails. Yueh betrays the Atreides and disables Arrakeen's shields, allowing the Harkonnens and Sardaukar to invade. He incapacitates Leto, planning to exchange him for his wife, who is the Baron's prisoner. Yueh replaces one of Leto's teeth with a poison gas capsule with which the Duke can assassinate the Baron. After the Baron double-crosses and murders Yueh, Leto releases the gas, killing himself and the Baron's Mentat, Piter De Vries, but the Baron survives. Though the Baron has arranged to have Paul and Jessica dropped deep in the desert to die, a compassionate Yueh has left them with a fremkit with survival supplies. Jessica uses a Bene Gesserit technique called "the Voice" to overpower and kill their captors. Paul and Jessica journey overnight in the desert where Paul, surrounded by spice, has visions of a bloody "holy war" fought across the universe in his name.
Baron Harkonnen gives command of the conquered Arrakis to his nephew, Rabban, and orders him to restart spice production to recoup the cost of the invasion. Paul and Jessica are found by Duncan and Kynes, and Paul discloses his plan to marry one of Shaddam's daughters to avert the civil war that would ensue from news of the Emperor's treachery. They are found by the Sardaukar but Duncan sacrifices himself to enable Paul and Jessica to escape; Kynes is mortally wounded and lures a sandworm to devour her and the Sardaukar. In the deep desert, Paul and Jessica encounter Stilgar's tribe, including Chani, the girl in Paul's visions. Fremen warrior Jamis opposes Stilgar's lenience to them and challenges Paul to a ritual duel to the death, which Paul wins. Against Jessica's wishes, Paul joins the Fremen to fulfill his father's goal of bringing peace to Arrakis.
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי0 -
Lots of snow on the Stipperstones, got so bad we cut out route down as we were really cold.
warming back up in the hot tub, then town for the youngests birthday weekend (the wife thinks weekends for a birthday is a think, unless it’s mine)
out for a meal at beefy boys and then the pub
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Sounds cool Seano, is that a bit like The Gaza Strip?
Advocate of disc brakes.0 -
Evening folks,
Decidedly damp again this morning, rather brighter this afternoon.
Cattled after spending the afternoon cutting and fitting a granite worktop in the kitchen trimming both ends was expected, then lopping 2" off the back wasn't. My own fault for not measuring up first, but then it was free. Looks good now it's done, need to sort a wooden chopping block next.
The beer afterwards to thank the help went down very well.
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Nah, Peckham high street.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Squits and vomiting all night. Lovely. No snow here.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Just back from visiting the new addition to the family.
No snow here but plenty down in the Brecon Beacons on the way back so had to stop off for a walk. I would post a photo but the forum seems to be broken again. Looked like Shropshire got more snow though.
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I guess shits and giggles it was not. Sounds unpleasant.
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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Someone got a cat?
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
No, a small human.
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Are you uncle/great grandad or summink?
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
10.42pm: managed a fart without consequences.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
We thought Dune Pt 2 was excellent.