thursday with mizutani on guitar

off to h street for dental scrape, polish and check, followed by cafe and wfh, laze
not walking there in this weather
Just cold here weather wise. Waiting for the shopping to be delivered before I can get on with today.
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Morning astronautes d'eau douce
Wet and windy and cold and god knows what precipitation going to be chucked at us. Even Beans can't be bothered with going out.
Taking Mrs P out to the café in the sticks for a spot of lunch if snow doesn't prevent.
She is 40 today.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Happy birthday Mrs P 🥳
Out for a romantic date with mr & Mrs tlw1 later. No confirmation yet but I’m outside their hotel and they’ll have to come out eventually.
pretty miserable out, might have a coffee across the street and keep an eye on the entrance.
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי0 -
Happy cake day to Mrs P!
Weather has defaulted to fcuking awful, so I'm not leaving the house. Therefore I will be dodging the cleaners later. Damn it though, I have to get their cash, forgot it last night when I was out picking up mini.
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'W'FH because of the forecast weather armageddon which has not materialised 😡
Got some lung damage on the ride home last night, I think there was something up and the pedaling hard aggravated it.
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Brrr. Forecasting the white stuff arriving soon, lots of... tbc. On the day when the trades guys arrive to start dismantling the stupid front porch to replace with something much more practical and better looking. Good day to open up to the outside world. Reckon the woodburner(s) will be getting revved up.
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Happy birthday mrs P
chilled start in the hotel as no hounds to walk. Ensure the current wife gets to her meeting, then back to the hotel for a bit of work, a run and obviously food and beer at some point. Pick the wife up, few drinks and a late dinner reservation at a nice restaurant.
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Happy P-Day Mrs Birthday.
Intended to ride in today. Saw rain bouncing off paving. My decision was made. Triffic bloomin' awful as expected.
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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I suspect most of my day will be getting wet on cycling commuting, trying to dry out, and then getting wet again.
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HB Mrs. Pinno.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Took the taxi home from the station last night as cba to walk after last night's beers. Mrs. 666 didn't seem too pleased about the waft of cider that she got when I walked in the door 😊
Soggy n dull out there, got through my 8am call unscathed. More cheap coffee is needed.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]1 -
Whatever 😕
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי0 -
This is what happens when you snub an invite to go drinking with the A-Team 😉
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]1 -
To be fair, I don’t suppose these country bumpkins types get to London very often and would like to see something other than the inside of a pub.
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי0 -
You haven't met tlw before, have you 😀
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]2 -
Afternoon folks,
Another day of orifice based drudgery, particularly dreary outside as well. Today being Thursday it's drive the EPO in day which is a good thing in this weather. Also a good thing as I have a bicycle here I can throw in the back.
A good time last night, lovely to meet TLW and the current wife. Hope her meeting was worth the trip. Nice pub we went to. I'm not sure how TLW knew it was me, possibly the fact that I looked like a tourist around all the city types.
Out with the female child tonight to see Declan McKenna live, supposed to be pretty good. At least it's only a short walk from home. I might have a beer.
Happy birthday Mrs P, I'll have a Polish doughnut in your honour. Apparently it's fat Thursday to the Poles today, I thought most christian countries waited until next Tuesday but it seems the Poles are keen.
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Pinno goes solar... Well, finance was approved: 14 panels producing 425 watts ea. Total cost spread over 10 years £238 pcm and that's before the feedback tariff currently 15p per kw/h with my leccy company.
Estimated production at 130% of consumption. Twin battery, 25 year lifetime plus insurance. Seems good to me.
Electrical production is calculated @ 10% below what will probably be produced.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!1 -
I thought the sun never came out in Scotland?
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probably going to install some of these to power it
my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny1 -
You and loon can compare notes on who gets the most sun/generates the most power.
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520 kWh generated since start of November. In grey dreich SW Scotland. I win.
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How much have you used?
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I'll have 14 panels and Loon has 12.
We shall compare. Perhaps i'll lay a cable to Fort Loon and then we could do leccy swap.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
All of it, and then some. End of November had big boy ASHP hybrid system installed. Different world. My year on year comparison for month of January shows less than 1/2 spend on imported energy cost. Come springtime I'll be off grid. And feeding in t'power for all yous townies 😉