back issue

felixdamouse Posts: 5
edited July 2018 in Road beginners
Hi Guys,

I have recently just got back on my roadie after several years out and I was out last night for just over an hour and developed a stiff neck and I am suffering from a pain in the middle of my back (spine area) today somewhere between my shoulder blades, it doesn't feel muscular although it maybe is. Can anyone suggest what it may be and how to prevent it? is it just from lack of riding over the past few years or am I stretching or perhaps the opposite? I was mainly on the hoods but spent a little bit of time on the drops on the descents.

many thanks


  • joey54321
    joey54321 Posts: 1,297
    Is your roadie set up the same as when you were riding regularly? It might just be too agressively set up for your current physical ability?

    You could look up thoracic spine stretches to see if that helps. Sounds like you've just over done it a bit.
  • no its a new ride which I have not been fitted for.... as yet

    I am a fairly active guy in my 30's and last nights ride was just over an hour so I think it may be more bike set up/size?
  • Maybe your stem and bars are too long and wide and you’re over reaching and rolling your shoulders and hunching your shoulders.
  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    Without seeing a pic of you on the bike its impossible to help.

    You might get more comfy just with using the bike.
  • if you go for long rides the neck pain and back pain is obvious.
    you just need to take rest and do some physical exercise for few days.
    after few months you will be normal.
  • svetty
    svetty Posts: 1,904
    With regular riding your neck/back will strengthen and adapt.
    FFS! Harden up and grow a pair :D