Pre-Christmas bike ride

freakychurchill Posts: 82
edited January 2017 in Your pics and vids
So as it is the season to be jolly I headed up to take on Drum and boy was it windy up there so much towards the top it was unrideable The ground was really wet in places but the bike cruised through. The views where a little hit and miss and the wind made it hard work but had a great time here is a small video.


  • When I was watching the video, I thought I should have been there!
  • Simon.T wrote:
    When I was watching the video, I thought I should have been there!

    I was a great day despite the wind.... Deffo a place to go
  • Simon.T wrote:
    When I was watching the video, I thought I should have been there!

    I was a great day despite the wind.... Deffo a place to go

    No doubt! I do feel same, it's a place to go...
    It's beautiful! Thanks for the video.