2 months out of cycling. How will my first ride be?

b. 1998
b. 1998 Posts: 88
edited December 2016 in Road general
Hi guys

So i was very fit and a decently good cyclist. My bike broke so i took some time out to get a new bike. Its been 8 weeks since ive been on a bike.

How **** will my first ride back be? Im 18 years of age so i might recover quicker. Will my first ride be as slow as my first ride on a road bike? I havent gained weight or anything. My resting HR when i was fit was 39 now its spiked up and my resting HR is 48.


  • gethinceri
    gethinceri Posts: 1,521
    It will be great.
    Take it easy, pick a route that allows a bail-out or two and on at least one of the descents unclip from both pedals, hold both feet out and shout "wheeeeeee" at the top of your voice. That's what cycling's all about.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    ^ Great advice. Just get out, ride your bike and enjoy it...and don't forget to leave the Garmin at home.

    Then, after Xmas, work towards a classic training pattern for this time of year so steady base miles (flattish parcours) building them up gradually and then start throwing in intervals, hills and hard sessions as the weather improves. You should should hit Spring in great shape, enough to justify some nice new wheels and rubber!
  • I was out for 13 weeks after breaking my arm last January. When i was able to start back I did one turbo session then one short ride of around 20 miles before jumping in at the deep end and entered a 105 mile sportive. The last 35 miles were really hard work but was glad I did it as it was make of break for a planned L2P ride 8 weeks later.

    The first 20 mile ride was an out and back along the same route and I set in my mind the end point before heading out but told myself I would turn back at any earlier point if needed.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    ^ yepp, another classic British training plan which seems to be specifically designed to achieve little except a demoralising early injury! Reminds me of the 'train until you are sick' days...
  • If you were pretty consistently fit before you stopped, then it comes back to a reasonable level quite quickly. So +1 for the advice above - just get back out on the bike. You won't feel fab the first ride or two but then you'll start to feel better.
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH