Back in the saddle

Casenumber21 Posts: 2
edited May 2016 in Road general
I broke my collar bone and ribs at the weekend. I am keen to take my mind off the short term discomfort and wonder if anyone has any advice about getting back on the bike.


  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    Take the pain killers you will,have been prescribed . There is a danger of a chest infection if you man up and don't bother. Once you can move without pain use the turbo, stopping when it hurts. Once you are no longer getting any pain ride out doors.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    Webboo wrote:
    Take the pain killers you will,have been prescribed . There is a danger of a chest infection if you man up and don't bother. Once you can move without pain use the turbo, stopping when it hurts. Once you are no longer getting any pain ride out doors.

    ^ exactly this.

    Sorry to hear of your injuries but you'll be back at it in 4-6 weeks or so I'd imagine. Don't lose your confidence.
  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,026
    Definately get a turbo if you haven't already. Detached my collarbone & bruised ribs at the end of Feb so not so bad as you. Was very dispondent a week in, couldn't imagine getting back on the bike for a long time and felt like I was turning to jelly. Bought a cheap turbo & got stuck in. By April legs were stronger than before & was back on the road. Still a bit achy, but I have been amazed how the body repairs so quickly (and I'm no spring chicken).

    I bought a session with a sports physio. Didn't really learn much I hadn't googled, but it was useful to confirm the right recovery exercises.

    Don't push it if it hurts, but you will get back sooner than you think.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    Any update OP?