Do I have base & general training advice & trainingroad

trouty00 Posts: 16
So I have been riding since September pretty regular and always kept relatively fit before playing football couple times a week, bits of tennis, running, kitesurfing etc. In september 2013 I signed up to ride london to Barcelona (in june 2014) and since then have done around 3000KM with a range of commuting (16 mile each way) weekend rides with max up to about 65 miles but have done some 5+ huge climbing rides too.

I haven't ridden a bike really for about 5 years apart form if you count a 5k trip to shops once a month

With the trip coming closer I have started looking at more structures training and have a training plan from the organisers which basically has me building distance over the coming months.

I've done sufferfest circa 10- 20 times and am not worried about working hard, I have just signed up to trainingroad to give that a go for a month. on the face of it (assuming its considered I have base) i imagine i go for one of the 5+ hour post base plans.

Doing 8-10 hours on the tubo is probably going be be difficult for me and if the weather allows I will do club rides rather than sit on the turbo. i will also probably continue to commute 2-3 times a week and do attempt sprints on this and attack the climbs to try and improve my power

I'm competitive by nature and want to be quick on the event but with it being a group event speed will be determined by the group.

interested in peoples thoughts
