Midweek madness Thread

Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
edited February 2013 in The Crudcatcher
Happy Wednesday Maggots,

I have been uber busy this week, today is a scorcher with a forecast high of 34ºC and I am wearing suit! Plus my car has "Mexican Aircon" as in it doesn't work and I depend on open windows...
I am at a coffee shop killing time as I have an interview today, the second one for the same job.. but things at the current job are going well, so let's see what happens

Other than melting slowly, I've thrown a sickie today and will spend the day soaking in the pool at home.. and it's a real pool, 40ft by 18 ft, not a paddling pool :¬)

Wishing you all a day as [un]productive as mine


  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 21,915
    Raymonavalon - will swop!

    Today is meeting in London village with various people kicking at our company - should be fun.

    Then out later - hopefully different to last nights Lebanese meal which wasn't the best meal I've ever had.
  • Happy Wednesday Maggots,

    I have been uber busy this week, today is a scorcher with a forecast high of 34ºC

    Other than melting slowly, I've thrown a sickie today and will spend the day soaking in the pool at home.. and it's a real pool, 40ft by 18 ft, not a paddling pool :¬)

    Wishing you all a day as [un]productive as mine

    Greetings monkeys

    Raymondavalon I am disgusted at the temp over there, -2 on my way to work this morning, thought my fingers were going to drop off.

    Another day of work meh, 12 hrs this week and really struggling for sleep, the pooch is poorly and keeping us up all night, the t'other half treats him like a baby but he has never been this bad before hopefully his medication will kick in soon and all will be well again, glad we took out insurance now.

    On a bike note did 43 mile on the new road bike but back to the mountain bike this weekend less vibration is preferred.

    Ta ta for now
    work hard, play hard, fall hard

    cube stereo 2010

    Felt Z95 2013
  • Clank
    Clank Posts: 2,323
    Mornin' exes and double-exes,

    Back in work after a day out playing bikes with a few forumites and others. Much fun was had, especially Gazlars 'Patented Quick-Apply Fake Tan' - he was certainly commited to it's development.

    And now the weather:
    Todays will see M'eh, with scattered periods of coffee and sustained spells of 'whatevs' breaking out into the afternoon. The high will be some welding, with a low of seemingly repetitive drudgery.
    Tomorrow is forecast to be much the same as today.

    I shouldn't knock it, at least it ain't rainin'! :lol:

    Onwards! To caffiene! And some other stuff!
    How would I write my own epitaph? With a crayon - I'm not allowed anything I can sharpen to a sustainable point.

    Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are worth exactly what you paid for them.
  • cicatriz
    cicatriz Posts: 411
    Anyone want a job? Have mine because I'm feckin' sick of my arrisole boss and his whiney attitude.

    Today will be brim full af CBA, work avoidance and then an early finish.

  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    morning all,

    great ride last night at cc. got chatting 2 guys in the car park who hadn't ridden there before. we didn't do the 'proper' route as we added bits on and took bits out as we went - bumped into them again just near the top and they were fecked :lol: they didn't believe me when i said for them not to be put off by the climb :lol:

    legs are hurting a bit today, but i slept well and feel good.

    laters :D
  • foxc_uk
    foxc_uk Posts: 1,292
    Sorry I've been absent, been a little bit busy and there's no 3G in the Village.
    Good luck Raymondo!

    Just doing the sales reports for today, then I have a couple of bike orders to sort and some credits to dealers to sort.
    Later it's Date Night! Woo! Plus the boyfriend is bringing my bed with him so I no longer have to sleep on a slowly deflating inflatable mattress.

  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    nuttella filled croissant eaten. and the Tea flask is not empty yet.

    Lamb curry for lunch.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    today is a scorcher with a forecast high of 34ºC and I am wearing suit!
    just for you

    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • foxc_uk wrote:
    Sorry I've been absent, been a little bit busy and there's no 3G in the Village.
    Good luck Raymondo!

    Just doing the sales reports for today, then I have a couple of bike orders to sort and some credits to dealers to sort.
    Later it's Date Night! Woo! Plus the boyfriend is bringing my bed with him so I no longer have to sleep on a slowly deflating inflatable mattress.


    If we slip you pie, can you adjust delivery addressess ;)
  • Morning Losers!
    A lazy start for me today. I'll get up and cracking in a bit. I'm going to be cooking a chorizo and pork belly stew tonight, with home made bread. So I'm looking forward to that. It's my Mum's 60th tomorrow, so I'm waiting for her present to arrive; A digital photo frame. Should probably get a card too.
    Shall be off out on th ebike again later, though the nice weather we've had seems to have subsided. Never mind.

    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • Not much, work, quoting, awaiting irate customer phonecall.

    Got a big ride to plan on saturday (see thread in routes if anyone can help) so just deciding if the Heckler needs anything shiny to help it out of its hibernation.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    foxc_uk wrote:
    Just doing the sales reports for today, then I have a couple of bike orders to sort and some credits to dealers to sort.


    do you work for the company that i've been getting random emails from lately even though i've never bought one of their bikes? :? it begins with a T
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,084
    Morning scuttlers

    Right lets address the issues of the day
    Clank wrote:

    Much fun was had, especially Gazlars 'Patented Quick-Apply Fake Tan' - he was certainly commited to it's development.

    Underneath it all was the most pathetic of scratches. For those doing cc2cc never let me give a speech about the most important thing being not to get yourself injured, as I then end up trying to do exactly that. It was coming, I'd already had a couple of saves worth of Gordon Banks before throwing myself down a bank of sand and then having a go at werewolf drop without a bike.
    welshkev wrote:
    foxc_uk wrote:
    Just doing the sales reports for today, then I have a couple of bike orders to sort and some credits to dealers to sort.

    do you work for the company that i've been getting random emails from lately even though i've never bought one of their bikes? :? it begins with a T

    I noticed I'd started getting email from them lately and i couldnt work out if it were revenge or as a result of them being a partner of Fantasy Downhill League.

    Today I will be having a tidy and clean of my bicycling equipment ready to have a couple of laps of Cwmcarn tommorrow I think, see if I can iron out yesterdays sketchyness.

    first though a lunch time walk
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • MissCMC
    MissCMC Posts: 545
    In work, in charge again today. I don't want to deal with other peoples problems. Man in life is working tonight so back to his to take the dogs out after work.
    Sarcasm: Because punching someone in the face is illegal.
  • Tolerating (barely) the daily grind of museum work. Having a mooch around some estate agents in cardiff later to see what's about. Saw a nice flat at £430 a month but then read £650 bond and £130 admin fee. I thought bonds were usually the same as the rent. Then home to sleep.
    gochel chan ddynion i mewn blew beisiau achos hwy cadernid bod eirth
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,084
    ol\'gregg wrote:
    Tolerating (barely) the daily grind of museum work. Having a mooch around some estate agents in cardiff later to see what's about. Saw a nice flat at £430 a month but then read £650 bond and £130 admin fee. I thought bonds were usually the same as the rent. Then home to sleep.

    No they vary, sometimes a few quid more, Mrs G's sister has been looking at flats in the diff and there was somewhere with some quite cheap ones, might have been Barbara Rees. ill try and find out.

    Well we have just had an impromptu house viewing, think they had a shock when i opened the door in my pants and dressing gown (funny place to have a door I know) i think they thought they were at Quagmires
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • spongtastic
    spongtastic Posts: 2,651
    Afternoon mongs

    Slumming it looking at the view out of my window. A lovely metal storage shed!
    Visit Clacton during the School holidays - it's like a never ending freak show.

    Who are you calling inbred?
  • Clank
    Clank Posts: 2,323
    today is a scorcher with a forecast high of 34ºC and I am wearing suit!


    'nuff said, yo.
    How would I write my own epitaph? With a crayon - I'm not allowed anything I can sharpen to a sustainable point.

    Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are worth exactly what you paid for them.
  • foxc_uk
    foxc_uk Posts: 1,292
    Gazlar wrote:
    welshkev wrote:
    foxc_uk wrote:
    Just doing the sales reports for today, then I have a couple of bike orders to sort and some credits to dealers to sort.

    do you work for the company that i've been getting random emails from lately even though i've never bought one of their bikes? :? it begins with a T

    I noticed I'd started getting email from them lately and i couldnt work out if it were revenge or as a result of them being a partner of Fantasy Downhill League.
    Nowt to do with me, promise.
    ol\'gregg wrote:
    Having a mooch around some estate agents in cardiff later to see what's about. Saw a nice flat at £430 a month but then read £650 bond and £130 admin fee. I thought bonds were usually the same as the rent.
    My move ended up coming in at just over £1700 for first month's rent, security (6 weeks rent) and fees. Gutting.
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,084
    foxc_uk wrote:
    Gazlar wrote:
    welshkev wrote:
    foxc_uk wrote:
    Just doing the sales reports for today, then I have a couple of bike orders to sort and some credits to dealers to sort.

    do you work for the company that i've been getting random emails from lately even though i've never bought one of their bikes? :? it begins with a T

    I noticed I'd started getting email from them lately and i couldnt work out if it were revenge or as a result of them being a partner of Fantasy Downhill League.
    Nowt to do with me, promise.

    Yeah but I promised all that underwear of yours that went missing was nowt to do with me, but I think as we are now aquainted and grown adults, actually it was everything to do with me, so if you would like to admit to filling my box with spam then i'm sure i can overlook it this once
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 59,245
    Evening Crudders,

    Still at work but going out for a curry + beer with a mate in bit, should see me through until the weekend...
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]