Winter time canal path commuting

samsbike Posts: 942
edited August 2012 in Commuting general
I am currently commuting on the grand union between Paddington and Greenford. Its OK at the moment as its light and I can see dogs, people etc. However, i am aware that winter is around the corner and sooner or later I am either going to have to stop commuting (I don't think there is a cycle path all the way on the A40) or commute on the canal.

I must confess, that I am nervous about commuting on the canal, even though I have some expensive lights. Its dark, its unlikely I can spot dogs etc.

So what I are trying to ask is - does anyone commute in winter along a canal path and do you have any tips etc



  • estampida
    estampida Posts: 1,008
    make noise lots of it

    most dogs and foxes that jump under wheels don't hear you coming, and a weird nature thing when surprised they head towards the danger (trying to make the danger overshoot their current position)

    or jumping under the wheels as its known............
  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,008
    Many years ago I commuted on a rural canal (totally darkness some nights). Fell off after hitting a hole and just avoided landing in the canal. Switched to the car for the winter and lost the habit. 10 years, +1 stone weight and a 6 week road closure got me back on the bike. I'm now fitter than ever but developing a serious CRC buying habit.

    In the meanwhile, lights improved massively, but I now do exclusively road (unlit for long sections). Unmetalled towpath is very sh***y in winter (and most of this 'summer'). I realise this may not be a pleasant option on an A road.
  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,008
    estampida wrote:

    Are there many towpaths in Belize? Can't help wondering if foxes are the least of your worries...
  • raymondo60
    raymondo60 Posts: 735
    Uxbridge Road no good for you?

    "Let's just all be really careful out there folks!"
  • Extralight
    Extralight Posts: 136
    Agree with above poster, A4020/Uxbridge Road is worth considering. Bike paths on the A4 and A40 are not great (not sure what's available in towards Paddington, only know the roads from Ealing westwards), and these are certainly not roads to ride if you value your life.

    Explore on Google Maps or similar, I'm sure you can find a road route that avoids the mental main roads. Even if it's longer, it will probably be quicker than riding the towpaths. When it gets icy, the road will be preferable to the canal, unless you get spiked tyres!
  • MichaelW
    MichaelW Posts: 2,164
    The advantage of riding in winter is that people can see your lights and illumination around corners.
    There are also fewer people walking on the canal.
    I used to ride the other side of that canal out through the Lea Valley to Walthamstow, before it was an advertised bike route. I had some really dim AA lamps and my 1970s sports bike had steel rims and Weinman brakes (ie no stopping in the wet).
    I suggest you MTFU, get some powerful lights, a loud bell and continue using the canal. By now you should know every inch of the way by heart which is the best way to transition to dark commutes.

    I dont recall ice ever being a problem on the rough towpath surface, it is only an issue on untreated, well-surfaced bike paths and lanes.
    Does an Ortleib rolltop pannier have enough buoyancy to float a bike? You may want to ensure that your door keys are about your person rather than the bike (which can sink).
  • samsbike
    samsbike Posts: 942
    The Uxbridge road is awful and a lot more south. I have a folder so on bad days can train and ride the rest. I chessboard will have to suck it and me.
  • I used to ride the Grand Union Canal from Boston Manor to Hayes & Harlington at night. It was fast and flat. Don't worry about ice if the towpath is dirt or gravel as the ice will just crack.

    Watch out for little dogs; I once hit one with a pedal and it didn't go woof, it squealed like a piglet!

    I also remember waking sleeping swans and watching them peck at the ice around them.

    I once thought that I saw a dead body floating in the canal. It turned out to be a tree branch.

    Towpaths are coated with glass shards, buy some tough tyres.
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    samsbike wrote:
    The Uxbridge road is awful and a lot more south. I have a folder so on bad days can train and ride the rest. I chessboard will have to suck it and me.

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