Sufferfest Help

fra-gy Posts: 14
Hi, Just done the Hell have no fury sufferfest for the fist time.
I used percentages of my maximum heart rate to do the different levels.
Is this a close enough to be working right with the program?
I dont have a cadence computer at the moment.

Anybody else have a way of working out the different rates from 1-10? :D


  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,631
    The problem with HR is the lag. Yo'd be better off sticking with Rate of Perceived Exertion.
  • HiMoz
    HiMoz Posts: 62
    I found it takes a few goes of the sufferfest videos to figure out how hard to go. Just make sure you pace yourself with the longer intervals and you'll soon figure it out. Push too hard and you wont be able to finish the set but go to soft and you haven't worked enough, bit of trial and error and you'll get it right. I do find a HR monitor useful just to give me a rough idea of how hard I'm working so I can adjust my effort accordingly.
  • Slack
    Slack Posts: 326
    Same here...go by perception and you'll tune in after a 2-3 sessions. I even started off with a cadence measurer, but now don't bother, as I prefer to work on perception.
    Plymouthsteve for councillor!!
  • patchy
    patchy Posts: 779
    Slack wrote:
    Same here...go by perception and you'll tune in after a 2-3 sessions. I even started off with a cadence measurer, but now don't bother, as I prefer to work on perception.

    LOL... i've been doing Sufferfests weekly for a year, I still go out way too hard on Downward Spiral and have to dial it back by the third interval to stop from blowing chunks. I suppose that's the unique joy of the Sufferfest.
    point your handlebars towards the heavens and sweat like you're in hell
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,786
    I don't find the Sufferfest instructions very useful, but you work out after a couple of sessions how hard to go. I use my Garmin so I can do a segment at a speed that I know will get me into the right zone, but probably after a minute or so rather than hitting it too hard and not being able to hang on. Unless your turbo wildly deviates with time I find speed a good indicator.
  • fra-gy
    fra-gy Posts: 14
    Thanks for all your replies!
    Just ordered a cateye V3 to do my cadance so hopefully that will help.
  • grawp
    grawp Posts: 46
    Just downloaded my first Sufferfest Vid (Angels). Am unreasonably excited about it.
  • fra-gy
    fra-gy Posts: 14
    Let me know how you get on!