Training Guide Recommendations

mccutchie Posts: 15
Hey Guys,

I'm looking to purchase a cycling training guide to hopefully help improve all aspects of cycling performance and hopefully result in a more productive campaign this year.

Like most Dads, with work and family commitments my training time is limited and normally it is confined to weekends. Lately I have managed two evening spin classes a week (1 hour), but i'm not sure i'm doing the right type of training.

I've had a look at some book reviews online, such as The Cyclists Training Bible, The time crunched cyclist and the obree way.

I would appreciate some recommendations on what books \ manuals work for you, especially those that have limited training time like myself.

Cheers, Mccutchie


  • hugo15
    hugo15 Posts: 1,101
    The Time Crunched Cyclist is worth a read. I'm in a similar position with work/family pulling on my time too and I used the book as a basis for my plan last year. I've read bits of it again over the winter and I'm going to follow it more closely in the build up to the sportives I've entered. It's fairly easy to read and doesn't get too in depth on the science.