Saturday Morning Blues

MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
edited October 2011 in The Crudcatcher
Morning all-

Up early again today, about to head out to start the journey to my test, nearly 2 hours of being on the move to get there! Hopefully my german is good enough for this test, I think it is though, so not too worried. Drank a bit too much last night, and feel a bit zombie-esqe this morning, but a few energy drinks and some food in a bit should sort that out!

Well then Visa test, here I come. Let's get fully legal here !


  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,478
    bah humbug, couldn't even go out last night cos I'm working today!

    half day today, might even head to the pub after. home watch footie.
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 21,908
    Good luck mountainmonster

    I am in the good books as managed to get home from work in time to take the family out for a meal last night. Think the second bottle of wine was the killer, or was that the champagne we opened when we got home. Wife has just appeared to get water, looking at her I don't think we are up to much today!

    Hopefully get to have a play in my new canoe & out at some Halloween party with the kids later.
  • A ride for me and then depending on how I feel I'll either laze around at home, go out to the dirt jumps or go to a hockey match.

    On another note, after my skills course the other day I feel like I'm having more fun just farking about on the street manualing around (got that dialled), finding some smallish drop offs, bunnyhoping, practising pumping down drops and other stupid things. It's strange how this stuff can be so much fun. :)
  • Abra
    Abra Posts: 338
    M'ning Chubbers,

    Early riser today. (for a saturday) Had to entertain last night so I aside from nursing a semi-hangover i'm going to do fuck all!

    First things first. fried egg sandwich and an hour of Walking dead!

    A wise man wrote:
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    Morning all

    My knee is still farked, in addition to not being able to ride bikes and not being able to walk properly I've discovered I can't use the clutch in the car either. This is making the weekend shit.

    So today I'll be getting lifts off the brother to various places, and not really doing much at all.

  • Angry Bird wrote:
    Morning all

    My knee is still farked, in addition to not being able to ride bikes and not being able to walk properly I've discovered I can't use the clutch in the car either. This is making the weekend shoot.

    So today I'll be getting lifts off the brother to various places, and not really doing much at all.


    Welcome to my life.

    Morning homos.

    Was so bored last night that I bought Civilization Revolution for the xbox. MAN that game is addictive!

    Sadly, that is where most of my weekend will be going.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 59,135
    Screw this getting up early lark :)

    Legs ache as usual after last night's ride but slept like a baby last night.

    Now supping coffee and thinking about putting together the meccano-style garage shelving I've finally had delivered 6 weeks after ordering :roll: On the win side, I've bagged free tickets for the Crystal Palace v Reading match at Selhurst Park just down the road this afternoon. I don't support either team so I can enjoy a bit of stress free footy spectating (with junior in tow - hopefully we won't get sat next to South London's answer to The Missing Link).

    Then I think a lazy evening beckons.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • DF33
    DF33 Posts: 732

    Coffee needed.

    That is all
  • IcarusGreen
    IcarusGreen Posts: 1,486
    Morning crudités!

    I've woken up with a bad head and I only drank 1 bottle of Red wine, I also have the runs so I've concluded that the wife is trying to poison me :?

    We have some friends heading down this morning to go out for meal and drinks in Oxford tonight. My mates wife has also said she wants to do an 8 mile run with me when they get hear as it's flat where I live :cry:
    + 1001 posts reset by the cruel cruel moderators!

    Giant Trance X4 (2010)
    Giant SCR 02 (2006)
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 21,908
    Morning crudités!

    I've woken up with a bad head and I only drank 1 bottle of Red wine, I also have the runs so I've concluded that the wife is trying to poison me :?

    We have some friends heading down this morning to go out for meal and drinks in Oxford tonight. My mates wife has also said she wants to do an 8 mile run with me when they get hear as it's flat where I live :cry:

    A day of runs for you then
  • moster
    moster Posts: 121
    Morning all,

    Work till 12 today and then out on the randan in Edinburgh tonight as my mate is emigrating to NZ in a few weeks. The wife has already resigned herself to coming home without me :D Have written tomorrow off as a bad job.

    Might get an hour on the bike messing about in the woods at the back of the house though- hangover permitting...
    When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses, not zebras.
  • Morning!
    Just watched the F1 qualifying, gotta hate Vettel. Button seemed a little concerned when asked about the yellow flag thing.

    Anywho, need to organise a meeting with a vicar today as I'm playing at my friends wedding in December, so I'm checking out the venue today hopefully. This afternoon I'm going to go on the bike. I was thinking of going Lee Quarry, but I think I'll check out the local area and see what I can find.

    For now though, a bit more TV is needed.

    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • Well then, this is turning out to be a lot longer than I thought it would be. Thought it was going to be a computer test, but it was 3 hours of written tests, and not we have a verbal test to do soon. And then finally done, now I understand why this test was so expensive. The good part is that even though I have been here the shortest amount of time from the group of people at the test, I speak the best german by far, so I have no worries. Im just not looking forward to a 2 week waiting period to get my results back.

    Oh well.
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 21,908
    Mountainmonster 2 weeks isn't too bad, I took an exam on the 12th October and get the results on the 16th December!

    In between which I pay 6k for the next year and start studying again
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    hello gypos.

    i hope you all feel lucky. you should feel lucky. lucky that you dont have this hangover because whilst it is painful and dissorientating for me, it would kill all you, even if i shared it out equally amongst you.

    had a superb night last night at the bar at work and considering everything costs a quid or less, i must have done some proper drrrrinking as i only have 11 of the 50 pounds i took with me in my pocket.

    i will be doing nothing for the rest of the day apart from ordering some take away (for purely medicinal purposes of course)
  • IcarusGreen
    IcarusGreen Posts: 1,486
    hello gypos.

    i hope you all feel lucky. you should feel lucky. lucky that you dont have this hangover because whilst it is painful and dissorientating for me, it would kill a CIVVIE!

    Same here!
    had a superb night last night at the bar at work and considering everything costs a quid or less, i must have done some proper drrrrinking as i only have 11 of the 50 pounds i took with me in my pocket.

    I seem to do that as well and have absolutely no idea how because I'm fairly certain I can't drink 39 pints/JD&Cokes in a night!

    Any how's; run with mates wife done and I was a bit shocked as she fitter than I expected and my hangover took its toll! On the plus side it has cleared my head.

    Now to work on tomorrows bad head, laters losers!
    + 1001 posts reset by the cruel cruel moderators!

    Giant Trance X4 (2010)
    Giant SCR 02 (2006)
  • foxc_uk
    foxc_uk Posts: 1,292
    :( dropped my shock off at the LBS. It's having to be sent to Mojo... no biking for a while for me then. :cry:
    Had a bit of a food related hangover this morning, fish and chips and cake last night as a dieting last stand means I feel a bit grotty today! Ah well..
    Bought some fake blood and sorted out a costume for tonight - 6ft zombie/bloodthirsty nurse will be making an appearance in Sheffield.
    Now I'm just going to sit around and maybe make a start on this studying lark that many of you seem so keen on....before packing my bags and heading for a rendezvous with MissBint

  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    afternoon all

    today has been a day of not much at all really, apart from;
    -making my fiancee an amazing breakfast
    -buying wedding rings
    -servicing the bike
    -cleaning the fish tank

    and now its time to get ready for the halloween party, going as a mummy which requires 140m of bandage, contact lens, fake blood, tooth paint, face paint and some serious patience!

    missk also has been busy today making a massive Frech Fancy for here mates birthday, it is A Mazing!! pictures online tomorrow along with halloween ones!

    Boom lets get fucked up!
  • bicyclepirate
    bicyclepirate Posts: 229
    edited October 2011
    Worst satmeh day ever!

    Had to watch the longest game of trivial pursuit ever it lasted 4hrs between two people. Massive case of lethargy, now watching he's just not that into you with a couple :(

    And JS has died, at least that makes tonight's costume easy, shell suit, cigar, white face paint and medallions. Zombie style Jimmy. ( too soon?)
    All hail the FSM and his noodly appendage!
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    Afternoon... I got bored of being injured this afternoon and tried to play bikes instead... took the 456 to play in the local woods on the gnarlier stuff, it was ok but the knee was playing up, rolled home and decided to chuck it down some of the tracks on the big hill next to my house, that didn't end too well either so finally I tried to play in the back garden for a bit, chucking it off flights of steps and the like.

    Now my knee is stupidly painful and I'm really struggling to walk again. Not cool. It was fun though :lol:
  • And JS has died, at least that makes tonight's costume easy, shell suit, cigar, white face paint and medallions. Zombie style Jimmy. ( too soon?)

    I think that may well be teh bestest costume of teh EvArs!

    You just need some other people to go as zombie winehouse (would anyone be able to tell the difference) and zombie Gadaffi and you would officially win at life!
  • ^ This

    I've spent the afternoon cycling round the local area. I got myself completely lost! Gotta love those moments where you just keep following a path not knowing where it goes and nobody to ask.
    One of the only people I passed was a Sheepsteeth lookalike/wannabe. Bloke in camo army trousers, black fleece and walking a beautiful Rottweiler! Evening of chillaxing now I think.
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    Sheepsteeth lookalike/wannabe. Bloke in camo army trousers, black fleece and walking a beautiful Rottweiler!

    i have a black fleece, camo trousers and a rottweiler. this chap you saw must have been a legend.
  • Although if he was wearing camo whilst not in the employment of one of the forces, he was officially a sheepsknacker. That's just a fact.
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
  • I forgot to mention, I was riding around an army firing area. I was getting shot at (well, they were shooting in the distance) whilst riding.
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro