I need help

hfidgen Posts: 340
edited July 2011 in Commuting chat
I need help! I simply cannot cycle for pleasure any more. Every time I get on the road, as soon as I see other cyclists I start racing them (in my head).

No matter what I'm wearing, and on what bike, I'll put in whatever effort it takes to try and overtake and scalp them even if it means I end up soaking in sweat and with a crying scared child in the seat behind me.

Even relaxed potters on a Boris bike lead to all out spinning duels with other Boris bikes.

This aint right, where has the pleasure and fun gone from just being in the wind and sunshine? :shock:
FCN 4 - BMC CX02


  • EKE_38BPM
    EKE_38BPM Posts: 5,821
    You're FCN 4. Its always 'not a race'. That is the fun.

    MTFU and accept it.
    FCN 3: Raleigh Record Ace fixie-to be resurrected sometime in the future
    FCN 4: Planet X Schmaffenschmack 2- workhorse
    FCN 9: B Twin Vitamin - winter commuter/loan bike for trainees

    I'm hungry. I'm always hungry!
  • hfidgen
    hfidgen Posts: 340
    I've seen Victoria Pendleton on the Sky Rides volutarily letting people get in front of her. If she can do it - why can't SCRs :lol:

    Even the times where I state to myself "Don't race, the sun is out, just get there and enjoy it" some guy ends up jumping a light and I can't help it. It's a bit like a cat with a piece of string or a greyhound faced with a electric rabbit..
    FCN 4 - BMC CX02
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,355
    I'd be extremely averse to passing Victoria Pendleton. Maybe she lets them pass because she can hear them drooling.
  • t4tomo
    t4tomo Posts: 2,643
    Its a hard urge to resist. I had to really go for it last night to stop a roadie latching onto my brompton slip stream on the short incline from the station back to home. I managed to keep him at a distance of 5-10 yard until I swung off home, but I couldn't completely drop the beggar.
    Bianchi Infinito CV
    Bianchi Via Nirone 7 Ultegra
    Brompton S Type
    Carrera Vengeance Ultimate Ltd
    Gary Fisher Aquila '98
    Front half of a Viking Saratoga Tandem
  • raymondo60
    raymondo60 Posts: 735
    I have that bug too - its a sub-concious thing. I don't outwardly feel like I have to compete with everyone - but if someone goes past me, or even tails me, on the road, I'm off!, Even when commuting! Recently I dragged raced a guy from Morden one-way system all the way down the A24 to the Ewell Bypass; just could not shake him off. It's not the first time its happened either. I do manage to ride for 'pleasure' only, but that's usually on a towpath/country path ride. On the road, it has to be serious!

    "Let's just all be really careful out there folks!"
  • You're in the wrong place if you want help with that one, sonny. :roll:
  • clarkey cat
    clarkey cat Posts: 3,641
    with a electric rabbit..

    go on....
  • Wrath Rob
    Wrath Rob Posts: 2,918
    Ride with a club. You'll ride with a bunch of people at the same pace for a few hours, no racing (unless you do the training ride) and then when you get back on the road by yourself you can let fly with your legs of steel.
    FCN3: Titanium Qoroz.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    yeah what rob says, start riding with people that make you blow out your arse just to keep up. you'll soon learn to potter to work to save your energy!
  • Rich158
    Rich158 Posts: 2,348
    I'd take it a stage further and go racing.....................on second thoughts try a club run first, they'll soon give you a proper working over :wink:

    I used to be like you, and to a certain extent still am when I hit Jamaica road, then I started racing at Hillingdon/Crystal Palace/Hogg Hill and soon learnt what dishing out pain was all about, especially when you're on the receiving end :cry:
    pain is temporary, the glory of beating your mates to the top of the hill lasts forever.....................

    Revised FCN - 2
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    haha poor Rich. hes faster than he lets on.
  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    You should try racing all the people in the spin class at the gym because your bike is broken, doesn't matter how hard I tried I could get passed any of them.

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • fallingoff
    fallingoff Posts: 332
    hfidgen wrote:
    I need help! I simply cannot cycle for pleasure any more. Every time I get on the road, as soon as I see other cyclists I start racing them (in my head).

    Same... :oops: I found that if I took a "slower" friend out who was just starting out then I didn't "need" to prove anything and I don't care who passes me/us,the same when I take my daughter out..I still get tempted on my own but I find that at a constant pace other riders are far and few between on or off road anyway..btw I'm no speed demon.. :oops:
  • Confusedboy
    Confusedboy Posts: 287
    It's a culural, Brit, thing. We are so competitive and insecure (the two things are in a co-dependent relationship) that we feel our manhood threatened by anyone who is faster than us. This would never happen in Holland where everyone rides at 8 mph on neanderthal bikes hewn from collapsed stars if thier weight is anything to go by.

    Do you, you ask yourself, want your speed and effort to be determined by some knuckle dragger who is going faster than you. And it knowses the answer, doesn't it, my precious, oh yes, it knowses.....