All change in big Belgium team

iainf72 Posts: 15,784
edited April 2011 in Pro race
lotto and Omega Pharma to split. Lotto want a more Belgie looking squad and Omega will be getting into bed with Quick.Step
Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.


  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Could be impressive, but does this mean that Quick Step will be putting in less cash? They're not a small company, but they're not huge either, so I've always assumed that they had a cycling mad company director funding the team, and maybe it's time to tighten their belts.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 72,867
    Source, Ian?

    Do they still get the millions off that random?

    If so, QS will be the super-mega team again quite soon, surely...

    Do lotto like backing the underdog or something?

    Also, does this mean some of the lotto riders will end up at QS, or is it just a name change?

    In fairness, Lotto have 2 of the 3 superstars (Gilbert, Van den Broeck), and they seem to have more going for them in the coming years than Boonen.
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    More information here about the future for the two Belgian teams.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 72,867
    Lefevre's denying QS has anything to do with it.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,167
    Will this be a bitter divorce with the two parties conducting a nasty custody battle over Gilbert? I hope so.

    Maybe Omega get main custody, but Lotto get him for twelve hours every other weekend.

    (Yes, I know his contract's up at the end of the year).
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 72,867
    RichN95 wrote:
    Will this be a bitter divorce with the two parties conducting a nasty custody battle over Gilbert? I hope so.

    Maybe Omega get main custody, but Lotto get him for twelve hours every other weekend.

    (Yes, I know his contract's up at the end of the year).

    Boonen's contract is too.