Herne Hill track surface

alanf Posts: 222
edited April 2011 in Track
Is it my imagination or is it getting slower with age?
I like


  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,138
    I wouldn't worry, it'll be replaced in the next couple of months so you'll get your speed back. :wink:
  • oldtrackie
    oldtrackie Posts: 171
    It's your imagination...ageing track/ageing legs! But seriously, I really don't think it has changed during the 15 or so years I've been riding there.
  • Of course it's got slower. It's got older, and with age has bumps, cracks but mainly a lot of loose aggregate all of which will contribute to an increase in friction.

    However, it may not be noticeable to everybody, particularly slower riders.
  • oldtrackie
    oldtrackie Posts: 171
    Of course! How foolish (and slow) of me.
  • Never mind, you'll soon be able to run those very expensive tubulars on the new surface and relive the speed of your youth.
  • oldtrackie
    oldtrackie Posts: 171
    Ah, but will tarmac be faster or slower? This may be the key factor determining whether or not I ever relive the speed of my youth!
  • I have a feeling it may be slower...

    Funny how the track surface feels better this season than it did last year! the fine grit seems to have gone away yet it hung around last year.

    Maybe it's the last knockings now it knows it's time is short, like a dying dog perking up for a final run..