All round bike but mainly for commute



  • danbrum
    danbrum Posts: 45
    Went to the specialized store today and tried the tricross and secteur. Guy in shop said the tricross was probably their best bike for light touring. Both are great, I prefered the feel of the secteur at first though and it's £350 cheaper. I was just wondering if anyone has ridden the secteur on canal towpath and single track and was it ok? What's it like when loaded with panniers? If I can get away with spending £350 less I may do that.

    Going to try the kona jake tomorrow at another shop then buy next week :D.
  • EKE_38BPM
    EKE_38BPM Posts: 5,821
    danbrum wrote:
    Went to the specialized store today and tried the tricross and secteur. Guy in shop said the tricross was probably their best bike for light touring...

    I don't know the shop, so I'm not hating, I have no axe to grind but it sounds like he was selling to you.
    Saying "the tricross was probably their best bike for light touring" may be like saying that a Ferrari Enzo is a better car to tow a caravan than a Lamborgini Diablo.
    I've never ridden either bike so I can't offer a judgement of one over the other, I just don't like the idea of being sold to.
    FCN 3: Raleigh Record Ace fixie-to be resurrected sometime in the future
    FCN 4: Planet X Schmaffenschmack 2- workhorse
    FCN 9: B Twin Vitamin - winter commuter/loan bike for trainees

    I'm hungry. I'm always hungry!
  • danbrum
    danbrum Posts: 45
    Well to be fair I actually went down to try the tricross and then asked him what he would recommend for light touring. I tried the secteur after because it was a good deal on last years model and it was recommended in this thread.
  • Underscore
    Underscore Posts: 730
    Thought that I would just mention that CRC have now got 30% off last year's Konas - the Dew range are there including the Dew Drop. No experience but I've heard good things of them...

  • danbrum
    danbrum Posts: 45
    Kona Jake didn't fit me very well, 53 was too short lengthwise and 56 was too big heightwise so gonna go with the Tricross or the Secteur depending on if I can justify the extra cost of the tricross unless a good deal for something else comes up on ebay. Thanks for all the advice in this thread.