Returning to cycling after many years out

xf8u Posts: 9
Hi, I have been cycling for over 20 years now. Recently, I have got a Mountain bike in addition to my existing road bike, as I enjoy both equally.
What I would like to know is how long after eating a good meal should I go out training.
Also, can anyone recommend some half decent drinks to take with me. Years ago, when I was racing I used to have lemonade/water. I'm sure there is a better alternative these days.
Thanks in advance


  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    xf8u wrote:
    What I would like to know is how long after eating a good meal should I go out training.
    It takes 3-4 hours for the stomach to clear fully after a decent meal.
    xf8u wrote:
    Also, can anyone recommend some half decent drinks to take with me. Years ago, when I was racing I used to have lemonade/water. I'm sure there is a better alternative these days.
    Depends on whether you expect to need an energy boost or not. On easy rides I just take water & squash, in races or long rides I'll use stuff like SIS Go. You'll need to try a few to find what you like / what works for you.