
andy h 1
andy h 1 Posts: 51
edited January 2008 in Pro race
Hi all,
Just wondering if any fellow cyclists suffer from this complaint,i seem to get a bout of them every now and then,and its not due to not eating a healthy diet with enough fibre or lack of exercise! and how does it affect your cycling?
Thanks for any replies.
A Holmes


  • I had them when I was about 20 but never had them since. I carried on riding with the only problem being rather messy shorts!
    You hear that? He's up there... mewing in the nerve centre of his evil empire. A ground rent increase here, a tax dodge there? he sticks his leg in the air, laughs his cat laugh... and dives back down to grooming his balls!
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    Hi Andy, i get piles sometimes, i have a job which can involve sitting for day after day and i then suffer from piles when my job involves standing for day after day i never get piles, i have no idea why this happens.I know in my case it has nothing to do with diet, I am 44 years old and have had this problem since i was 15. Make sure you have plenty of ointment and hope for the best. regards Ademort
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • plug1n
    plug1n Posts: 204
    I had yet another recurrence a couple of months ago. My GP diagnosed thrombosed piles and referred me to a surgeon for an op.

    However, the consultant said that no op was necessary. Simply make sure to drink plenty of liquids with foods.

    Seems like good advice, I now make sure to quaff at least 500ml water with breakfast, lunch & dinner. Thrombosed pile has gradually disappeared.

    I think, as cyclists, it is easy to get dehydrated. 25 years ago I used to do 100 mile trips with nothing to drink.

    Some of the things those specialists do for a living really concerns me.....
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    Yes, the first examinationi had for piles i had to remove all items of clothing below the waistline. Then i was told to bend over a chair, as i kept my eye on the doctor he put two fingers in a sort of jelly like solution and as i looked at him he said you know where this is going and the most important thing is that you relax. I was married at the time, when i told my wife she cracked up with laughter. Boody hell of a sense of humor she had.Greetings Ademort
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    Sorry if this appears unsympathetic :) , but
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,185
    I get them from time to time. They really are a pain in the arse. (Sorry - I'll get my coat).

    Some sound advice so far. Two things not mentioned so far but which my GP told me were a) that when you are going for a dump then you shouldn't strain as the pressure can make them worse and b) that keeping the area clean is very good prevention. A bidet is ideal apparently but failing that moist toilet tissue will do the job. Wash when you can though.
  • Cajun
    Cajun Posts: 1,048
    ademort wrote:
    Yes, the first examinationi had for piles i had to remove all items of clothing below the waistline. Then i was told to bend over a chair, as i kept my eye on the doctor he put two fingers in a sort of jelly like solution and as i looked at him he said you know where this is going and the most important thing is that you relax. I was married at the time, when i told my wife she cracked up with laughter. Boody hell of a sense of humor she had.Greetings Ademort

    Always make sure that you don't feel two hands on your shoulders as the proceedure is taking place :shock:

    All kidding aside (sorry, I couldn't resist it), one of the worst culprits for developing piles (hemorroids) is reading while in the loo. I too sit at a computer 8-12hrs/day (electrical designer on 'puter) and about once or twice/year, I get those 'tender feelings'. My solution is to use suppositories when retiring for the night...generally this will take care of the issue in 2 or 3 days (even though riding during the days)