Canary Wharf to Greenwich - Advice please

stompy Posts: 11
edited June 2007 in Commuting chat
Can't be bothered with my usual route through the foot tunnel today.

I was thinking about going to Tower Bridge and then back through Tooley street, etc.

Any advice on getting to Tower Bridge? Should I take the A13 or try the Highway?



  • Lbaguley
    Lbaguley Posts: 161
    Two mostly car-free routes...

    Cable Street - along Narrow Street turn off before the end, go over the Limehouse Link more or less straight across the road (bearing right) at the end of that little cycle path. Cable Street will then take you to all but onto Tower Bridge.

    Or keep going along Narrow street to the end, take the cut through to the river and then through Wapping and St Katherine's dock - caution: cobbles abound in Wapping...
  • el_presidente
    el_presidente Posts: 1,963
    go to woolwich & get the ferry
  • For a slow route, you can follow the riverside path.
    Narrow Street, then keep on going where it turns right at the end of the Limehouse Link - ie follow the path through to the river.
    Follow the river, through King George IV park, and the Rotherhithe Tunnel airshaft. Cross the road at the red swing bridge, and go round the dock, which is Shadwell Basin. Follow the ornamental canal route through to Ivory Dock. At Ivory Dock come back out onto the road and go to St Katherines Dock. Across the metal grating on the dock gates, follow the road underneath the hotel and turn right up the slope.
    You are at the end of Tower Bridge.
  • On the south side, take the first left you can off Tower Bridge,
    at the first set of lights. First left again and you double back to the Cantina del Ponte area. Go out onto the riverside, taking care as lots of pedestrians. Ride past the design museum, and over the bridge at the end of the dock. Have a look at the community living on the houseboats, who are under threat from the Council.
    Go through the little doorway, and take a left to follow along the riverside. You should now pick up Cycle Route 4 signs. No need to go down to Jamaica Road - follow the route through Cherry Gardens,
    then the pub where Captain Cook did his drinking.
    Keep going along the riverside path through Rotherhithe. Mayflower pub and churchyard worth a visit.
    Keep going down Rotherhithe Street, or follow the NCN 4 signs to go through the Russia Dock woodlands.
    You will come out at the end of Greenland Dock, keep following the river by going across the lock gates.
    Can follow the NCN 4 from there to Greenwich.

    As I say, not a fast commuter route but will be a pleasant journey home.
  • domtyler
    domtyler Posts: 2,648
    edited March 2011
    For the fastest route I use Google maps, directions, avoid highways.

    Porridge not Petrol
    Honda P series
    Porridge not Petrol
  • Try - use the cycle route option on the route planner.
    It's pretty good.
    Check out the 68 page Tour guide we're giving away with the Guardian on Monday (2nd) - should be an interesting read

    D,The Guardian

    Try to keep up!
  • stompy
    stompy Posts: 11
    Thanks for all the replies. I'll give the Narrow st / Cable st route a try.

    The others sound nice, but I'll wait for nicer days to try them out. The Woolwich Ferry route sounds intriguing, I'll be able to come back through Barrier Park and the Thames Path which is a route I really like anyway.

    Thanks again.
  • Brains
    Brains Posts: 1,732
    There is also a foottunnel at Woolwich, and personally I don't like Tower Bridge, for the senic route gove over the Wobbley (Millenium) bridge, get there via East Cheap, which is reasonibly car free and you have to plan the route from the end of cable St by the Old Royal Mint to East Cheap via the back streets
  • Brains
    Brains Posts: 1,732
    You could also try the ferry that runs from Canary Wharf to the Hilton Hotel in Surry Quays
  • stompy
    stompy Posts: 11
    The cycle paths on Cable street are almost useless! skips, road works, bollards... I stayed on the road for most of it.

    It was nice burning past the lines of traffic through Jamaica Road.

    More cyclists than I normally see on my commute, which strangely made it easier to ride because the cars were more aware of us.

    And to the roadie in the high viz behind me from Surry Quays to Greenwich - I hope you enjoyed the free ride !
