Bjarne, Bjarne, Bjarne

Autobus Straggler
Autobus Straggler Posts: 47
edited May 2007 in Pro race
The more I read, the more it upsets the way current dopers are being treated as opposed to past dopers. Bjarne has come out and flat out said they can come and get his yellow jersey. Lance comes out and makes a confession like this, and Pat McQuaid and others would be bulldozing his front door in to take everything from him. Shoot the would probably ban americans from ever competeing again.
Yes he confessed, but he pulled a Mark McGwire. All the past nonsense and what not. Sure his CSC team is phenomenal, but where is the integrity now? Dark Dark days are at hand, worse than a year ago when Puerto broke.
There has to be an even keel with these doping confessions. Where are the cries for Telekom's head? Why havent they asked Bjarne to never set foot at an event again?
I am not at all saying that should be his punishment, not at all, however, these are the things that come out against Landis, Floyd, and Ulrich these days. There is no equal treatment, and until there is, this will be a problem. Something tells me Overcoming II, might be a little different than the first.

Give me pave or give me death!
Give me pave or give me death!


  • Spiralpro
    Spiralpro Posts: 34
    One problem. Lance won't come out with this cause he didn't dope. I am wondering why these past riders (still in the sport) are coming out now. Do they know something we don't????
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Vindicated at last
    I was on a Mountain in 1995 and watched Zulle come past and some time later The Man
    (BIG MIG) came climbing through with the usual Wheel Suckers behind him. The 4th of
    these with Eyes glazed (almost popping out)was a Dane called B RISS. Yes I had seen
    him in the Belgian Time Trial and wondered where his Form had come from but then I had seen BIG MIG do 2 Time Trials. The 1st in the morning before any others.
    I am sorry to harp on but I have lived with this memory and wondered the following
    year how a 2nd rate climber could suddenly perfom so well in the Mountains.
    The next year another Telecom rider won. The next year the TDF went to Ireland and
    did'nt step foot in France until the BIG SHOW had finished (Football!) so they
    needed Publicity. The stuff in the car had come from Germany and I never understood
    how a Belgian got stopped at that Border without the Germans telling tales so they were waiting for him. Did I get a lot of satisfaction that year with the Rain on
    the GALIBIER, You Bet. I have been a Big Supporter of VERINQUE as a very Gutsy
    Rider with or without Drugs and to all those who condemed him perhaps you might
    understand that he knew they were getting away with it "so why pick on me".
    This might change your Tunnel Vision about him, but I doubt it. Me I Feel VINDICATED

    It's all a Publicity Machine and CYCLING is only the thread it runs on.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • funaki
    funaki Posts: 29
    So Bjarne Riis has finally admited to doping, no big suprise there. He was known as Mr 50 percent because of his elevated heamocrat levels.
    What worries me is that former dopers like Riis have intertests in professional teams. Any clean up of the sport has to begin with the teams having a strict anti doping policy that means what it says and says what it means, no cheats allowed.

    If ex dopers are running teams is the clean up of cycling ever going to happen, or will they look for new ways of cheating.