Di Luca, I'm not upset - honest!

OffTheBackAdam Posts: 1,869
edited May 2007 in Pro race
"I was not upset, it is important that we win," Di Luca said. "We have great team. It is truly beautiful. It was great test for the team; I am not upset."
Picture of Di Luca when he isn't upset.[;)]

Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.
Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.


  • Spiralpro
    Spiralpro Posts: 34
    I was watching the stage yesterday on eurosport, what a ride from both Astana (who I was convinced were going to win it) and Liquigas.
    Didn't like the reaction of Di Luca at the end and frankly don't believe he wasn't upset, for a second. Who does he think he's fooling?? Maybe Gasparotto should have moved over but nothing would have stopped Di Luca giving it another bit, he wasn't that far behind.
  • Echappee
    Echappee Posts: 79
    Di Luca should grow up a bit. It's not whose in Pink after the 1st stage that matters, it's whose in Pink when they get to Milan. Opportunities like this are ideal to allow other team members a bit of attention - after all, they spend most of the year fetching & carrying for their leaders who pick up the big $$$$ as a result.
  • I truthfully have never really been a fan of di luca, and this was kind of the last thing...he seems so arrogant...i agree, role into milan with the pink then you can say something...however, as the team leader, why the heck did he not position himself sooner anyway?

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    Give me pave or give me death!