Op Puerto fall out

alanmcn1 Posts: 531
edited May 2007 in Pro race
First of all, don't buy the Basso hype! His lawyer says they looked each other in the eye, and got a burden off their backs..........he did it becuase he loves his sport. CRAP! Basso lied his way through the entire episode, until it was clear he couldn't any longer, and then used a PR spin to keep the adoring Tiffosi on his side. Goodbye and Good riddance.

Secondly, it looks like Valverde is next, along with numerous others, having been asked to report to the Spanish authorities. OP could rip the spine out of a generation of the sport, but my own opinion is that it will be to the benefit of it. A purge resulting in the cull of ~50 of the highest profile riders in the peleton will surely result in a mssive decrease in the numbers of those willing to break the rules to benefit. It seems a black time, but I'm full of nothing but joy and optimism at this clean up of the game.
Robert Millar for knighthood


  • alanmcn1
    alanmcn1 Posts: 531
    It gets worse............seems Ivan didn't inhale!!!!!!! This is the most hilarious thing I've read since Tylers chimeric twin, or maybe Roid Landis Jack Daniels binge............what a pathetically transparent attempt to keep his Giro win in the record books
    Robert Millar for knighthood
  • nobrakes
    nobrakes Posts: 53
    Hmmm...confession under pressure from Coni...just before the Giro...should provide lots of topics for the media. Funny how, instead of stories about the athleticism and heroics of the events, (which I'd much rather read and hear about), I get to see my favorite sport reduced to tabloid headlines in an attempt at "breaking news here first" journalism. Sure, my head is in the clouds with wishful thinking, but all the while fans are making a mass exit from pro sports, and this can't be a good thing. It doesn't take a genius to predict the next big news break will occur 2 weeks before the Tour de France gets underway, when other favorite riders will fall from grace...and will we see the ex-fans lining the climbs taunting instead of cheering on the surviving riders? Here's a theoretical; what if they put on a Tour, and nobody came?

    <h6>"you can be in my dream, if I can be in yours"-Dylan</h6>
  • rufvelo
    rufvelo Posts: 8
    These types of 'confessions' are absolutely annoying. Calculated, 2 yr ban, got caught cheating, can run no more, posibble jail time, still young can get back and earn - just sorry he got caught cheating. Who believes the Giro performance was clean, or any other?
  • OffTheBackAdam
    OffTheBackAdam Posts: 1,869
    Looks like the Spanish cyclists implicated have woken up to the fact that they can't lie low and hope that things will blow over. A bit of plea-bargaining coming up?

    Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.
    Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.