
campagchris Posts: 773
edited May 2007 in Pro race
Just watched Overcoming again and the dvd extras, and Jens Voigt comes over as a hellova nice lad.If any body hasn't seen this its well worth buying.
http://www.prendas.co.uk/details.asp?ty ... 40&ID=1452 especially at this price


  • sfisher0
    sfisher0 Posts: 2

    never saw the extras but was hugely disappointed by the film, or rather frustrated. It gave me glimpses of interesting stuff but dressed it up in a way which detracted from my overall enjoyment - I would have preferred a more straightforward presentation of the material. It seemed to be too much style over substance. I know a few people who have recommended "Hell on Wheels" over "Overcoming" but I haven't seen it yet. I'd probably buy "Overcoming" if it was 5 pounds or less though....did you enjoy the film.

    Regarding Jens Voight though, I recently saw an online video of him recently where he was stuffing as much food as he could into his mouth - I thought he seemed quite funny. Always liked him as a personality.
  • pikachu
    pikachu Posts: 3
    you can get overcoming for œ8 here
    http://www.hmv.co.uk/hmvweb/simpleSearc ... rimaryID=5
    it's worth a watch but I was expecting something more somehow
  • Stark.
    Stark. Posts: 108
    I think Overcoming is a good film and worth a repeat viewing for the insight it gives into the inner workings of CSC and the somewhat obssessive personality of Bjarne Riis.

    The Extras on the DVD are generally good too - and yes Jens Voigt does come across as a decent, down-to-earth and funny guy. Definitely an asset to any team.

    Hell On Wheels is absorbing and probably gives you a more rounded view of the whole Tour de France circus as it follows the Telekom team (and in particular Zabel and Aldag). Another film I've heard of is The Quest about the Giro d'Italia - the reviews sound good but I haven't got hold of it yet. Anyone seen it?
  • campagchris
    campagchris Posts: 773
    Hi STARK, yes Ive seen/got the Quest its good but then I like all of the cycling dvd's.Its about the 2003 Giro and follows Simoni and the Saeco team.I have the Giro dvd for 2003 and enjoyed the quest more.
    I have to agree with you about Hell on wheels its great.The quest is worth buying though and Im sure you will find somewhere to pick it up reasonably.
    Some others worth watching are the high life about Robert Millar,
    and 2 american ones the hard road,and Pro often found on ebay and worth watching.
  • campagchris
    campagchris Posts: 773
    Ive changed my mind about liking all cycling dvd's,as just watched cobbles baby at the weekend and its awful.I like a behind the scenes kind of dvd but this is shocking in my opinion,keep an eye out on ebay[:)]
  • ptenoid
    ptenoid Posts: 1
    I enjoyed Overcoming, but also thought that it was a bit frustrating to watch. It jumps around a lot without much explanation, and the sound quality isn't very high in certain places.

    Hell On Wheels is much more absorbing, in my opinion. It's very well done, beautifully filmed and well edited. It was also very interesting to see a view of the Tour that mostly ignored Lance.

    The Quest is basically just a highlight reel of the 2003 Giro. It's narrated by Phil Liggett, and is pretty superficial. There are a few rider interviews, but there's just not a lot of substance.
  • Stark.
    Stark. Posts: 108
    Just got hold of The Quest 2, which follows the Saunier Duval team through the 2006 Tour. The opening is bit of a mess, with so much commentary by Phil Liggett that you wonder if he's developed that technique didgeridoo players have of breathing and playing at the same time.

    Once it gets into the Tour though it's more absorbing and there are some interesting comments and a few raised eyebrows after that 'legendary' ride by Mr Landis. As for the Saunier Duval kit - the less said about that the better.