Swimming in mud

Aux1 Posts: 865
edited June 2007 in MTB general
Back from another ride! Rain started falling but we still had a great time, the trees partly covered us from the rainfall, it was so nice to come to the top of the mountain, dry yourself in the lodge and eat a bambi goulash [:D]

Then came a muddy, wet downhill which is a recipe for getting all dirty. Some of us did some slides on the butt which were pretty funny, and yours truly rode pretty well but managed to crash properly near the very end of the descent. Fell to the left side at considerable speed, slid like that together with the bike for a few meters and made a roll over the head to a stop. Luckily, I had my helmet and knee/shin/elbow guards so I came out of it completely unharmed! If I had no protection, I'd have a nice hole in the knee down to the bone, a bloodied elbow and maybe even a cracked head! I remember the cracky sound my helmet made as I rolled over the head... I'm so happy I had all that gear and got through it without any consequences! And the bike is fine too...

If you descend with your bike, believe me, the protective gear is worth it. I know that fully now! [:I]

Hey, there's a bike under it!
Did that come out of my behind?
We could plant something up there!
Knee dent
Wear it!

<font size="1">To clip or not to clip, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind of men to suffer the dings and contusions of unclipp'd riding, or to bind thy feet against a sea of gnarly singletrack and by these contraptions, ride o'er them with ease. To clip... to slip no more, and by clipping to end the buttache and the thousand natural shocks that ryders are heir to; tis a consummation devoutly to be honed. No clip - to slip perchance to be thrashed most heinously...</font id="size1">

KTM Ultra Flite 2007
