
Posts: 2,189
Anyone use arnica? Does it work? Is it better to take tablets or use the cream?
I'm kinda used to the "tie dyed legs" look, although I've been getting some cracking bruises I cant actually account for recently, but today was chatting to a woman I know while leaning on my car door. She was horrified at the state of my arm. I hadn't noticed, dont tend to really look at the other side of my forearm much. It was badly bruised, I assume from some random tree or something. I just shrugged and said "mountainbiking", she looked unconvinced and said it looked more like I'd been grabbed really hard. Dont really want to look like some victim of abuse, so was wondering if there was a solution.
<center><font color="violet"><b>ME AND MY BIKE</b></font id="violet"></center>
I'm kinda used to the "tie dyed legs" look, although I've been getting some cracking bruises I cant actually account for recently, but today was chatting to a woman I know while leaning on my car door. She was horrified at the state of my arm. I hadn't noticed, dont tend to really look at the other side of my forearm much. It was badly bruised, I assume from some random tree or something. I just shrugged and said "mountainbiking", she looked unconvinced and said it looked more like I'd been grabbed really hard. Dont really want to look like some victim of abuse, so was wondering if there was a solution.
<center><font color="violet"><b>ME AND MY BIKE</b></font id="violet"></center>
Arnica does bugger all, a complete myth. Some people just bruise easily, Caz was the same: just have to knock her gently and it would come up huge. rarely can be an underlying medical problem, so if overly worried see the doc.
<center><font size="1"><font color="red">GT Zaskar LE</font id="red">
<font color="red">GT Ruckus</font id="red">
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Arnica is very good, I have used it a couple of times but let the kids use it a lot. Also helps with many other ailments.
If I am getting a cold I usually take it at first symptoms and am sure it helps, some people are non believers...their choice.
As for the bruises on the arms - just inject somewhere else...junky[;)]
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<font color="blue">My old Giant XTC - Gone forever</font id="blue"></font id="size1">
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I carry a tube of arnica ointment in my Camelbak. It's not a complete cure, but a good palliative, so IMHO well worth investing.
Semper in excretia; sumus solum profundum variat0 -
Well I threw the cat amonst the pigeons! Lol.
<center><font size="1"><font color="red">GT Zaskar LE</font id="red">
<font color="red">GT Ruckus</font id="red">
<font color="red">Me!</font id="red">
<font color="purple">MYSPACE</font id="purple"><hr noshade size="1"><font color="red">Park Tools - help and instructions for all general bike fixes</font id="red">
<font color="red">Sheldon Brown - info about anything and everything</font id="red"></font id="size1"></center>0 -
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by supersonic</i>
Well I threw the cat amonst the pigeons! Lol.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Well, I guess that's one way of getting rid of them. Did it work?
I still stand by what I said in the other thread, though; shooting and eating them would have been better.
Semper in excretia; sumus solum profundum variat0 -
Have to agree with sonic on this one, studies show its no better than placebo. So, take smarties - they taste nicer and are cheaper!
Trust me, I'm a doctor!
iSporty - TyMBR
Videos0 -
if someone looks at me wrong i bruise.
i often get home after biking with random bruises on me that last for days and days.. a recent bad one lasted for 2 weeks...
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<hr noshade size="1"><b><font color="black">'try before you buy else prepair to cry!'</b> </font id="black"></font id="size1"></center>0 -
Fozzy, mine always last at least 2 weeks. and when I say they're big, I'm talking 5 or 6 inches diameter sometimes. Got one covering my whole left calf just now ( and we know how big MY calves are!). Its fading to yellow now and will be gone soon though. I have NO idea when or how I got it. [:(] My forearm has 5 bruises on it too. [?]
<center><font color="violet"><b>ME AND MY BIKE</b></font id="violet"></center>0 -
same saz.
had one on my thigh and it was HUGE and a real good shade of black n purple.
I have no idea how big your calves are, i will refrain for further thought about your calves [;)] hehe.
i am the same though i have bruises and do not know how i got them.[:(]
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<hr noshade size="1"><b><font color="black">'try before you buy else prepair to cry!'</b> </font id="black"></font id="size1"></center>0 -
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by supersonic</i>
Caz <b>was</b> the same<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Don't talk about me in past tense... I'm not dead!! [B)]
Most of the time I don't even realise I've bumped myself until I see the bruise so taking arnica would be useless. My legs are a constant patchwork of bruises, nettle stings, pedal pin scratches and grazes. Attractive [xx(]
<hr noshade size="1"><font size="1">Stuff TyMBR In my dreams Myspace My flickr photos</font id="size1">0 -
i find that arnica works for me too. if it's placebo effect, then great - i heal faster using the power of my mind, which is even cooler.
i bruise incredibly easily too. i heard that that the more you get badly bruised, the weaker your veins become and the easier it is to break them again*. which is bad news for me lol. since i got better on the bike and stopped falling off it so much, i seem to get a lot of my bruises seem to come from walking into stuff and drinking injuries.
*awaits medically trained person to tell me this is ALL wrong<font> <font>bikeybikey</font></font>0 -
I got so worried about my bruising at one point that I went for blood tests because that combined with going to the loo a lot and suffering hypoglycemia can be a sign of pre-diabetes.
Thankfully the tests came back all clear so I'm basically just a hungry clutz who drinks too much water.
<hr noshade size="1"><font size="1">Stuff TyMBR In my dreams Myspace My flickr photos</font id="size1">0 -
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Cazzdevil</i>
Most of the time I don't even realise I've bumped myself until I see the bruise so taking arnica would be useless. [xx(]
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
i only tend to use it when it's a BIG crash - i.e. winding yourself, dead leg/arm/ can't move at first/ maybe concussion etc type.
you know when you've had one of those. [:D]<font> <font>bikeybikey</font></font>0 -
Lol definitely! I was surprised I didn't bruise when I had my crash with the car actually.
<hr noshade size="1"><font size="1">Stuff TyMBR In my dreams Myspace My flickr photos</font id="size1">0 -
my one and only road crash left me with much worse grazes than bruises tbh. they're horrid.<font> <font>bikeybikey</font></font>0
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by mudface</i>
*awaits medically trained person to tell me this is ALL wrong
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Arnica = ********
Healing power of the mind = not really proven but if it helps you then why not?
Healthy diet and lifestyle = a good start
If you bruise an awful lot then it's a good idea to see your GP for a FBC check to make sure you've got enough platelets and no leukaemia type stuff. Also avoid taking aspirin as a painkiller as it makes you bruise more by inhibiting platelet aggregation.
<i>"Hamish, that is one of the most sensible posts i've read on this forum!" - Futureboy 21/05/2007 06:31:46 </i>
<font size="1"><b>Some of my biking photos</b></font id="size1"> <font size="1"><font color="black"><b>flickr </b>- <b>The Flying Pie</b></font id="black"></font id="size1"> <font color="red"><font size="1"><b>my bike</b></font id="size1"></font id="red">--
<i>"Hamish, that is one of the most sensible posts i\'ve read on this forum!" - Futureboy 21/05/2007 06:31:46 </i>
<font size="1"><b>Some of my biking photos</b></font id="size1"> <font size="1"><font color="black"><b>flickr </b>- <b>The Flying Pie</b></font id="black"></font id="size1"> <font color="red"><font size="1"><b>my bike</b></font id="size1"></font id="red">0 -
This reminds me a lot of what has been said about anti-cellulite creams. The creams themselves just smell 'medical' so you think they're working, but it's the action of rubbing in the cream that makes the difference. You could probably substitute the expensive product for lard with similar effects0
'Also avoid taking aspirin as a painkiller as it makes you bruise more by inhibiting platelet aggregation.'
Bloody hell! Get the trick cyclist, that's almost 'proper' medicine!!!
Trust me, I'm a doctor!
iSporty - TyMBR
Videos0 -
I used to be a proper doctor before I switched to the dark side, Steve. [;)]
<i>"Hamish, that is one of the most sensible posts i've read on this forum!" - Futureboy 21/05/2007 06:31:46 </i>
<font size="1"><b>Some of my biking photos</b></font id="size1"> <font size="1"><font color="black"><b>flickr </b>- <b>The Flying Pie</b></font id="black"></font id="size1"> <font color="red"><font size="1"><b>my bike</b></font id="size1"></font id="red">--
<i>"Hamish, that is one of the most sensible posts i\'ve read on this forum!" - Futureboy 21/05/2007 06:31:46 </i>
<font size="1"><b>Some of my biking photos</b></font id="size1"> <font size="1"><font color="black"><b>flickr </b>- <b>The Flying Pie</b></font id="black"></font id="size1"> <font color="red"><font size="1"><b>my bike</b></font id="size1"></font id="red">0 -
Avoid rat poison as well.
<center><font size="1"><font color="red">GT Zaskar LE</font id="red">
<font color="red">GT Ruckus</font id="red">
<font color="red">Me!</font id="red">
<font color="purple">MYSPACE</font id="purple"><hr noshade size="1"><font color="red">Park Tools - help and instructions for all general bike fixes</font id="red">
<font color="red">Sheldon Brown - info about anything and everything</font id="red"></font id="size1"></center>0 -
Hello all.
This is my first forum post (No need to be gentle!)
I have only recently overcome my annoying habit of multiple stacks per ride. The last time I properly came off on a trail was on the Marin in North Wales where after coming a cropper on 3 different rocky sections I decided to take my hands away from the brakes completly on a descent. Imagine my surprise when I headed towards a ditch that surely would have led to an award winning pretzel-catapult. I steered past it but was then pitched headlong into a thorny bush, narrowly missing a solid looking tree.
For my next ride I have SPDs though! My riding mates have treatened to bring their camcorders ready for a 'You've been Framed' moment.
Sadly I mashed my hand on the beach and can't ride at the mo [:(]
Chris0 -
We'll have to start an injuries thread!
Oh, and welcome! ;-)
<center><font size="1"><font color="red">GT Zaskar LE</font id="red">
<font color="red">GT Ruckus</font id="red">
<font color="red">Me!</font id="red">
<font color="purple">MYSPACE</font id="purple"><hr noshade size="1"><font color="red">Park Tools - help and instructions for all general bike fixes</font id="red">
<font color="red">Sheldon Brown - info about anything and everything</font id="red"></font id="size1"></center>0 -
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Hamish</i>
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by mudface</i>
*awaits medically trained person to tell me this is ALL wrong
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Arnica = ********
Healing power of the mind = not really proven but if it helps you then why not?
Healthy diet and lifestyle = a good start
If you bruise an awful lot then it's a good idea to see your GP for a FBC check to make sure you've got enough platelets and no leukaemia type stuff. Also avoid taking aspirin as a painkiller as it makes you bruise more by inhibiting platelet aggregation.
<i>"Hamish, that is one of the most sensible posts i've read on this forum!" - Futureboy 21/05/2007 06:31:46 </i>
<font size="1"><b>Some of my biking photos</b></font id="size1"> <font size="1"><font color="black"><b>flickr </b>- <b>The Flying Pie</b></font id="black"></font id="size1"> <font color="red"><font size="1"><b>my bike</b></font id="size1"></font id="red">
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
i have found that witch hazel works really well too, which will irritate you, as i suppose that's a placebo too.
i've had a few sprains and lots of bruising. when i stick witch hazel on it within a couple of hours, the bruising comes out much quicker, swelling goes down super-fast and it heals noticably more quickly.
so if it's not the power of the mind, or what i'm putting on it, then what is at work here? there is a noticable difference in healing times for me and plenty of other people i know who use it. if it didn't work in some way, then no one would bother.<font> <font>bikeybikey</font></font>0 -
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by mudface</i>
i stick witch hazel on it
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
What do you stick her on with? Gaffer tape? And doesn't her broomstick get caught in your spokes?[:D]
<center><font color="violet"><b>ME AND MY BIKE</b></font id="violet"></center>0 -
i stick her on with the glue i make from saz bones...
mwah hahaha ha ha HA!<font> <font>bikeybikey</font></font>0 -
Miaow girls...
<hr noshade size="1"><font size="1">Stuff TyMBR In my dreams Myspace My flickr photos</font id="size1">0 -
lol yes i often grind people's bones up to make glue in a serious manner. i get the feeling you don't like me very much, caz.<font> <font>bikeybikey</font></font>0
friction??? not seen it myself... but i am male [;)]
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<hr noshade size="1"><b><font color="black">'try before you buy else prepair to cry!'</b> </font id="black"></font id="size1"></center>0 -
Fozz only knows one sort of friction, but he found baby oil got rid of that problem