Conti/Schwalbe Tyres

Kestrel_daos Posts: 932
edited December 1969 in MTB buying advice
Hi there,

I'm thinking of getting a Nobby Nic front and a Speedking rear. They're both available in 2.1 or 2.25/2.3". I was wondering which would be better to get - do Conti's/Schwalbe come up narrow or wide?

I won't be in danger of pinch flatting, since not only am I lightweight @ 9.5 stone, but also it's not very rocky in Surrey.

Currently running Kenda Blugroove/Nevegal 2.1" at the moment which seem alright for width, but are too draggy. Are these wide, narrow or honest widths?

What d'ya reckon?

<font color="blue">Giant XTC SX '06</font id="blue">
