Ch 4 now - embarrassing illness (infertility)
Posts: 741
On Now - bit about riding and infertitity
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Pfft, I'd take that with a pinch of salt. I'm 43, been riding since I was 3, racing since I was 12. I have 4 children (and a Grandchild), two of them were conceived when contraceptives were being used!
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my girlfriends taking the p*ss out of me about it rite now[:(!][:I]
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helicopter her, that should shut her up. In fact she probably just wants a demonstration that it still works [;)]
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My Single Speed
Always remember to pick your Uni according to the local trails or you'll be stuck with nowhere to ride for three years!0 -
Big group of mountain bikers. One of them had a low sperm count. Not exactly a big deal, or even newsworthy in a minor way. Take any big group of blokes and one of them will probably have a low count. Sedentary lardasses would be a more interesting social group to test.0