Where in Swindon

Fast racer boy
Fast racer boy Posts: 15
edited June 2007 in MTB general

I have not done any biking for months, does anybody know any sort of places to bikw in and around Swindon, Witshire.

I am into more down hill stuff and jumps, anything in my area



  • Gingersaurus
    Gingersaurus Posts: 466
    Have a look in the forum rides section.

    <hr noshade size="1"><b><center>24Seven</center></b>
  • JammyH
    JammyH Posts: 929

    <font color="pink">James x</font id="pink">
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by DJIP</i>

    Your bike reminds me of a Praying Mantis.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    I brake for Scholars, Priests and no apparent reason.
    <font color="pink">James x</font id="pink">
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by DJIP</i>

    Your bike reminds me of a Praying Mantis.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    I brake for Scholars, Priests and no apparent reason.
  • guido1
    guido1 Posts: 72
    badbury clumps mate. between Highworth and Faringdon.

    I am Guido. I am gone like Ghost.
    I am Guido. I am gone like Ghost.
  • Hi

    Where is that, is it easy to get to, is it on a map can you tell me directions of how to get there

  • guido1
    guido1 Posts: 72
    i dont have much time to post, but highworth is 6 miles north of swindon, go there and at the first roundabout in the village turn right past co-op. turn right at the next small double roundabout towards faringdon. The clumps are about 4 miles on this road, just passed Great Coxwell village. You cant miss it as its the only hill with trees on it for miles. the car park is on the left and the track is around the hillfort on the left.
    better yet have a look at a map.
    Its quite a cool little track.

    I am Guido. I am gone like Ghost.
    I am Guido. I am gone like Ghost.
  • What exactly is it, just downhill trail with jumps

    Thanks for information

  • guido1
    guido1 Posts: 72
    Its basically a few jumps and berms. good fun. many diffrent lines to follow. There was some shore and dropps but the FC removed them.
    it supposidly built by mountain borders so some of the jumps are not right for us bikers. that said i have been going there for over a year and i have only ever once seen any borders there!
    and they were sh*t.

    I am Guido. I am gone like Ghost.
    I am Guido. I am gone like Ghost.
  • Is it good for sombody just getting into Mountaun biking,

  • guido1
    guido1 Posts: 72
    A very good place to learn. but gets very hard and fast after hot weather. After rain the soil softerns up a treat-so falling off is no bother ether.
    come over- we have even had people over there recently from Cirencester! i would be there tonight but i broke my frount brake at Cwm Carn on friday.
    If you want some more techical/rooty stuff Leckhampton is only 45 mins from Swindon as well.

    I am Guido. I am gone like Ghost.
    I am Guido. I am gone like Ghost.
  • Hi

    I dont think i can as my dad needs to take me over in the car, but will try and come down, going away on saturday dont want to do myself a injure.

    Do yuo know if there is like a path which goes from swindon out to highworth, where do you live

  • guido1
    guido1 Posts: 72
    I have just moved from Swindon to faringdon. as swindon is the biggest poo hole i have ever made the mistake of living in.
    i think there is a off road way there, if i get time i will have a look on the map. i personally would just go the road way. It would not take so long from north Swindon-it depends where you live really.

    Get your dad to go find it with you, get him in to biking and you will always get a lift...lol
    A few younger (school age) lads go there as well-they are driven from swindon so ask around at your school/college/work and try getting a lift with them.

    I am Guido. I am gone like Ghost.
    I am Guido. I am gone like Ghost.
  • I live in Rodbourne, by the town centre

    Do you know if there is anything else in swindon, is there anything up by Lydard park

  • guido1
    guido1 Posts: 72
    Only a bombhole at Lydiard Park. I have seen a few DHers walking their bikes along the ridgeway near you-but i never found out where they where going.

    I am Guido. I am gone like Ghost.
    I am Guido. I am gone like Ghost.
  • Ok

    I have seen the bombhole before.
