Council built dirt jumps - INFO NEEDED

danhargrave7 Posts: 194
edited June 2007 in MTB general

i opened a topic/thread about this about 2 weeks ago, and we went to the meeting today, and they seemed interested (especially considering their age) and the main concerns were:

- Insurance

- Structure of the jumps (concrete/hard pack foundations?)

- Any problems with other projects like this, ie. We need to find out about other projects like this, and what their problems were.

Basically, i really need some info from people who have had this happen to them, or have info about council built jumps near them. just thing like about the insurance, if there were any major problems, and what were the jumps constructed from, just mud? or any wooden or concrete foundations?

this is really important to me and my mates, so any help, greatly appreciated.


<hr noshade size="1">
Dont you hate it when your eating pizza with one hand, and trying to type with the other, the BAM! you accidently put4 'W's into the address bar !!!!
Dont you hate it when your eating pizza with one hand, and trying to type with the other, the BAM! you accidently put4 \'W\'s into the address bar !!!!
