virgin post!

tom_j Posts: 66
edited June 2007 in XC and Enduro
hi guys, just got my first serious mountain bike, a Marin Eldridge Grade hardtail with fox forks and deore/xt bits and juicy brakes.... what can i say, i'm absolutely loving it as i ride to work everyday and had a œ99 bike before..

anyway i wanna start off-roading but my bike technique sucks, i can't even do a bunnyhop. i don't wanna trash my bike by doing anything too challenging but i'm not sure how/where to learn the skills.

any tips on where to pick up info on technique or how to practice?

thanks in advance from a newbie!


  • mmm_pie
    mmm_pie Posts: 1,934
    Get out there and ride, really. If you're really worried about your technique try and go out with some more experienced MTBers if you can.

    See if theres anything decent to ride locally and/or go along to some trail centres. Sounds like you have a very nicely spec'd bike.

    <hr noshade size="1"><i><font color="red">>>>> "Torrent is <font size="1"><font color="white">very slowly</font id="white"> </font id="size1">acomin" >>>>></i></font id="red">
  • ddoogie
    ddoogie Posts: 4,159
    Practice is simple. Ride...lots.

    You have a very capable bike that's for sure. Take things at your own pace until your confidence improves. The MBUK and WhatMTB home sites have plenty workshop features for improving basic skills. Read them, learn from them. Ride a bit more and take some of those ideas onto the trails. Get faster and when you think you've got something nailed, move on and try something that pushes you even further on steeper and rougher lines.

    <hr noshade size="1">
    <font size="1"><font color="red">S-Works Stumpjumper FSR</font id="red"></font id="size1">
    S-works Stumpjumper FSR

    I'll see you at the end.

    You'll see me on the floor.
  • tom_j
    tom_j Posts: 66
    sounds simple! :)

    seriously though, i'll take on your advice. when you ride do you often go over the same section a few times until you think you have ridden it smoothly, or just keep riding over new stuff until your overall skills improve?

    also, what is the aim to riding well? ultimately riding fast smooth lines over varied terrain?

    sorry if i sound like an idiot, i have just enjoyed tanking it through the woods before and going fast. i have never really thought about 'technique' ... idge15.jpg
  • mmm_pie
    mmm_pie Posts: 1,934
    Well if you're riding fire roads & bridleways then there isn't a lot of technique involved.

    Try looking around in the woods for more challenging and narrower paths. When I started riding I tended to ride over the same stuff over and over again, although I didn't have a lot of choice around my local area.

    <hr noshade size="1"><i><font color="red">>>>> "Torrent is <font size="1"><font color="white">very slowly</font id="white"> </font id="size1">acomin" >>>>></i></font id="red">
  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    Would it be too much to ask if next time you could have a title which gives at least a clue as to what the question in the post is?

    <hr noshade size="1"><font size="1">:) README
    [ Moderation]E-mail me if you think i've moderated something wrong[/url] (but don't change the subject or I won't get it)</font id="size1">
  • ddoogie
    ddoogie Posts: 4,159
    Avi was hoping for a virgin burning on the stake type gathering. Disappoited.

    Sometimes taking the smoothest line doesn't give you the best feeling though. Ragging your bike over a whole rutted section of slimy roots when there is a perfect smooth line next to it is what mtb is all about; having fun!

    <hr noshade size="1">
    <font size="1"><font color="red">S-Works Stumpjumper FSR</font id="red"></font id="size1">
    S-works Stumpjumper FSR

    I'll see you at the end.

    You'll see me on the floor.
  • tom_j
    tom_j Posts: 66
    sorry big red s - i guess my forum etiquette leaves a little to be desired! noted for next time!

    thanks for the tips guys, i'm looking forwadr to getting out there and getting muddy!
  • Who me
    Who me Posts: 493
    I'd recommend just getting out and riding and playing about with your weight on the bike. Just standing on the pedals and seeing the differences of where abouts you position your body over the bike will help a lot....probably best tried on fireroads to start with though. Learning to keep your pedals level or down on the outside of a corner are also useful.
  • Red Lemon
    Red Lemon Posts: 3,433
    The "virgin post!" title would have worked 100 times better if your username was hotgirl32E or something...
  • El Capitano
    El Capitano Posts: 6,400
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Red Lemon</i>

    The "virgin post!" title would have worked 100 times better if your username was hotgirl32E or something...
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Fnar Fnar!

    Although I thought this was going to be about a stuck "Seat Post" [:D]

    <hr noshade size="1"><b><center><font size="1"><font color="blue">Team</font id="blue"> <font color="blue">Cake</font id="blue"> <font color="blue">Official</font id="blue"> <font color="blue">Rider</font id="blue">
    ><font color="green"><b>Lama Cycles</font id="green"></b><font color="green"> <i>"Attitude with Spit"</i></font id="green"> <</font id="size1">
    Official Forum Legend 2006 & 2007</b></center>
  • khorne
    khorne Posts: 426
    ride a ton, ride with others, make friends, get off your ass and
    PIN IT!
  • tom_j
    tom_j Posts: 66
    ok, so although i've clocked up 150 miles on my bike commuting i went on my first off road ride tonight after work.

    everywhere is flooding round here and the weather is windy and haevy rain but i was itching to ride so i rode 10 miles to the nearest decent woods, did 10 miles in the woods and 10 miles back again. it was brilliant! really slippy and muddy though and pretty scary on the fast downhill sections but i loved every minute. great to get covered in mud!

    so looks like i have popped my cherry and the 'virgin' is no more.

    right, suppose i better clean the bike now!
  • gotta_hurt
    gotta_hurt Posts: 239
    get on it to your arse is sore![:D]