preferred saddles

paulf2007 Posts: 341
edited June 2007 in MTB general
is the v saddle dead at long last? many years ago, well about 8 years I bought a wtb sst98 saddle and its still the the most comfortable saddle I've had. Since then these evil v saddles arrived and although I haven't bought one directly, by that I mean they have come on bikes I bought. I just can't get on with them and end up with an arse like a baboon. Now recently I bought a trance and it came with a fizic saddle and its great, no v in this one. Surely the v, like the ones with a hole is designed for ladies with bones further apart for having babies. what say you?


  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    V saddles? You mean the ones with a slot from the back to around the middle? They're not dead, fortunately, as they're the only ones I find comfortable.
  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    No, the v-saddle isn't dead.

    The v-saddles designed for women are the women's ones. The other's are generally designed for men.

    Not quite sure why you reckon they're for women, do men have continual sitbones accross their pelvis? Or do we just have three of them?

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