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homers_double Posts: 8,427
edited June 2007 in The Crudcatcher
So I'm not going to bother [;)]

<b><font size="1"><center><font color="red">When God created mountains he meant them for climbing, not to be used as glorified toboggan runs.</font id="red"></center>
<center> <font color="blue">Riding for <i>Team Cake </i>in 2007</font id="blue"></center></font id="size1"></b>
Advocate of disc brakes.


  • JinjaNinja
    JinjaNinja Posts: 1,033
    just as well you lying little scumbag!

    <hr noshade size="1"><font size="1"><font color="green"><center><i>Originally posted by John</i>

    It'll be like being tw<s></s>ated in the face by the 60s.</center>
    </font id="green"></font id="size1">
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