mechanical disc brakes:worth it?

Boffington Posts: 281
edited June 2007 in MTB general
I own an stp2 and i am thinking of upgrading the rim brakes to discs. i am keen on avid bb5s or bb7s due to ease of use and the fact that they are cheaper than hydros and i won't be worried every time i crash. i have had mixed reports on these brakes, i heard that mechanical brakes don't have much more power than well set up v brakes in the dry and only show their worth in the wet and under heavy braking. however i have heard that bb7s have phenominal stopping power considering they are mechanical. what should i do?
ps. keep in mind i am skint but will probably be doing some winter riding (should this be in the Tech section?)<font color="teal"></font id="teal">
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