Loose headset...

NiteElfDave Posts: 6
edited June 2007 in MTB workshop & tech
Hey I need a bit of help on what to do, and I can't find another topic that's similar...

My headset has become loose, and now my frame has a bit of play moving up and down (not the forks xD) at the front of the bike... should I replace the whole headset, or just the top cap bolt with something like a headlock...

Cheerz for any kind help dave



  • mongooseTE17
    mongooseTE17 Posts: 328
    Have you perloaded the headset bearings? This can cause play when you apply the front brake and rock the bike back and fourth.

    My Elite!
  • I've never done anything to the headset since I got it in '03... Should I do that then, or is it just getting old now and not worth fiddling with and gettin it replaced??? Ta dave

  • mongooseTE17
    mongooseTE17 Posts: 328
    Oh its probably time for new bearing races if its an 2003. Take your bike to the LBS and they will intall a new headset for about œ30 - œ35 including the new headset.

    My Elite!
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Don't talk sh<u></u>ite mongooseTE17, you definitely don't know from that that it needs replacement.

    NiteElfDave, what it probably needs is some grease and adjustment. Read this, the bit about adjustment near the bottom.
  • thanks whyamihere i'll try it now... and if it fails then i'll take mongooseTE17's advice into account... Ta dave

  • Done... It seems to have miracuosly cured the problem... Ta very much indeed... Just hope it holds now xD
